16. | Father, Daughter & Grimm |

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So, before you guys start on, click on my account and add Taming Vince  into your libraries. I'll update the prologue later today! Please keep in mind that the updates for that book will be slower than my other books since I might give away major spoilers for this one. I hope you all enjoyed the treat!


And without further ado, I present to you,, the long awaited introduction to father, daughter and Grimm!!!!

*dances around, accidentally drops the coffee mug.*


"Fuck those assholes." - Grimm.

It was quite unnatural for Grimm to knock on doors, he was the kind to just barge in, not regrets whatsoever. Yet, this was the second time today, he waits in front of a closed door, seeking entry. 'Goddamn it! How long was she going to take?' Grimm wonders as he waits for Esmae to invite him in.

"I'll get it, you just take it easy," The door opens and a huge bulky man stands in front of Grimm, "Yes?" The man turns and faces Grimm. 

Naturally, Grimm's first instinct was to go offensive, he reached behind him where Rosie was and just as he was about to pull her out, Esmae's voice stops him.

"Grimm!" The absolute delight in her voice freezes both men in their tracks. "Come in!" She calls and Grimm looks at the towering man from the corner of his eyes for a brief second, and Matthew swore he had never seen such cold eyes before.

Grimm enters without a word and drops a single blue orchid branch on her lap. "Sorry for not visiting earlier." He states plainly. Matthew by now has closed the door and was staring at Grimm with an apprehensive expression.

Esmae looks at the orchid branch and back at Grimm, she looks slightly surprised but takes Grimm breath away when she smiles brightly at him. "It's fine. You came now." Is all she says as she runs a finger down a delicate blue petal.

Whoever sent this pure soul into this hell must have been clearly drunk, Grimm decides. There were plenty more bastards than himself crawling the earth, just dying to taint someone like her. People like Esmae belonged with the angels, where bastards like him couldn't possibly reach her. Yet, the thought of her being far from his reach did things to his chest.

"Grimm, I'd like you to meet my Papa, Matthew Warner," Esmae gestures to her Papa who just nods his head in acknowledgement, "Papa, this is Grimm." Esmae looks from her father to Grimm in pure adoration and Matthew is taken back for a moment. What did his daughter see in the man?

Grimm offers Matthew a curt nod and redirects his attention to Esmae. His obsidian eyes visibly soften as he sweeps her up and down, looking for any physical discomfort. "I've been preoccupied the past few days." Grimm offers again, he wonders if it was from guilt.

"So, what do you do, Grimm?" Matthew asks casually as he sits down on one of the chairs. There is silence for a minute and Grimm cannot help the slight twitch of his lips. "I run...errands." Grimm offers and Matthew nods in understanding. 

"Esmae told me how you've been such a great help for her. I really appreciate you looking after her." Matthew smiles, although it is hesitant. His peanut might not sense it but Matthew sensed something very sinister about her friend, Grimm was no ordinary errand runner. He seemed like something entirely different.

Grimm decides that Matthew was rather smart to have been cautious of him, it seemed Esmae's trusting nature came from a different parent. Matthew was sharp, but he was obviously not sharp enough or it might just have been the fact that Grimm's real name was little known among the underworld. He was after all, just the Ripper.


Drew sits at his brother's bar, there is relatively good drink placed in front of him but Drew doesn't even move to touch it. The DJ plays an engaging mix of tunes and the crowd let's itself drown in the hypnotic spell it weaves. Women are found in every corner of the bar, all half-naked, most of them have lost the flimsy tops they were wearing as the night had progressed and moved around with their breasts hanging out. Men of all ages and builds loitered around the bar, grabbing at the flesh and stopping for an occasional slap at their bottoms.

Drew had the perfect view of everything going around in the lower floor from the VVIP section he was in. When Drew had exited the infirmary, he hadn't bothered buttoning up the white shirt Carsto had offered so his bandaged chest was visible and irritatingly sore.

There was a woman dancing by the pole Vincenzo had installed to entertain the VVIP guests and a few on lookers watched her lithe movements like hawks but Drew hadn't bothered to take a second glance at her since he had entered. Drew wasn't looking for female company just yet.

"Sir?" Carsto inquires politely, sensing this Master's unease despite the impenetrable mask the Morettila had on. "It's nothing." Drew answers, standing up and pushing the glass away. As if sensing its cue, Drew's phone vibrates and Vince's name flashes across the screen.

"It seems we have some work to do." Drew says as he moves to leave, the smile that takes over his face reminds Carsto why the man was feared all through out Italy in the first place. Drew was a sadist, some said. He held no remorse, killing to him was as easy and as normal as a stroll through the park. And his eyes were as cold as the bullets he fires.

Yet, people were drawn to him like moths to flame, it didn't matter how many people he killed or how many atrocities surrounded his name, he instilled both fear and awe among people. He was after all, a Morettila.



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