1.|The Girl With The Polaroid|

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The worst part about being sick is being sick. It's being treated like you're different from normal everyday people, like you're fragile and you can fall apart anytime. But it's also what drives a sick person to become healthy, it gives the strength you need to fight back. It's like there's a voice screaming in your head, yelling at the world but never heard, I'm normal too! And I'm gonna survive this!

It was what made her discharge herself from the hospital she's spend a great deal of her life in. currently, Esmae Warner had only one objective, buy a Polaroid camera. She had been saving for it without even her Papa's knowledge. He'd buy one for her if she asked but Esmae wanted to do this on her own.

She treated the trip to the market as an adventure, in a way it was. Buying that camera was the step one in finishing off her bucket list.

Dressed in a light yellow sundress, brown sandals and a straw sun hat, Esmae never felt more alive. She took a deep breath before coughing it out, she had inhaled a load of dust that blew her way from a speeding car.

People went about their daily lives around her, there were no nurses or doctor to worry about how she might collapse any minute, so far her condition was becoming better and she was glad for it.

Humming a soft tune under her breath, she made her way to the busy market and quickly found a store an online friend of hers recommended, the prices were a bit high but they gave a two year warranty with all their products and they kept a keen eye for quality as well.

"Good morning sir." Esmae greets with cheeriness and the clerk looks slightly surprised. "Good morning miss," He grins slowly, "How may I help you?" He asks and she visibly brightens.

"Can you please show me the best Polaroids you have?" She asks as she tells him the price range and other features she wanted as well. Again, the clerk seemed taken aback by how specific she was.

"Of course," He says, "Come this way." He leads her down the aisle until they stop in front of a variety of Polaroids.

Choosing just one out so many was a hard task for Esmae, but in the end she made her choice and left the shop satisfied. She's clicked a picture of the clerk while he was next to the cameras on display and thanked him for posing.

She walked until she found a park and sat down in front of the fountain and dug out her scrapbook from the brown bag she was carrying. Opening the first page, she pulled out some duct tape and carefully pasted the picture on the first page.

It was hand decorated, with detailed and delicate boarders and had a hand drawn picture of a Polaroid camera on it. On top of the page, in cursive was written, Buy a Polaroid.

Esmae pulled out a pen and wrote the date and closed the book, her eyes sparkled as she runs her hand over the cover gently, and again, it's handmade. Written in an upbeat, fun script were the words, Esmae's Bucket list.

Huffing, she placed the book back in her bag and grabbed the camera before she adjusted the sun hat on her head and stands up. Patting her butt as though there was some dust on it, she stretched and looked up at the beautiful blue sky.

It's a beautiful day. She decided and made her way out of the park.


For Grimm Ripper, the day was as uneventful as it can be. Nothing was happening and he had spent enough time in his room going at his boxing bag like he was out for blood.

After a quick shower, Grimm grabbed Rosie from her perch on his sofa and shrugged on a pair of Levi's, a white shirt and a leather hoodie. He might as well catch some action tonight.

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