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It has been three days since both Janice and Jacob got back together and Esmae was more energetic than usual. Throughout the three days, she and Grimm had been texting each other good morning and good night on a regular basis. It felt rather nice to have made her first real friend.

Although Grimm was blunt and gruff as he was in person even when texting, Esmae had gotten used to it, she wasn't even bothered by his foul mouth either.

Today was going to be an exceptional day. She had found an ad on a newspaper asking for volunteers for a day at a local pet shop. The owner had lost his attendant to a car crash a few days back and he was in no shape to hire someone new.

Esmae saw it and thought, why not? It would be just the thing to tick off the volunteer for free for a day number off her bucket list. Just before she decides to go off on her own, Esmae pauses for a moment outside of her door and debates on whether she should ask Grimm if he wanted to tag along or not.

But then again, looking at him, Grimm didn't seem like a people's person. But they were going to deal with animals so it shouldn't be a problem, right? Besides, Esmae wanted to spend more time with her first friend ever. But taking decisions without his consent had gotten her pinned to an ally wall and almost choked by a certain someone before as well.

To: Grimm

Hi! Good afternoon, Grimm. Are you free today? Like now? If you are, we could go hangout! It'll be fun, I promise.

She presses send and waits. Her phone beeps while she is pulling on her sneakers.

From: Grimm

Good afternoon.

Yes. Don't fúcking make me regret agreeing to this.

Text me the place.

She grins and bites her lip before typing out a quick reply. She taps the phone lightly to her chin and smiles before quickly making her way out of her apartment, locking the door behind her, she flips her brown bag shut.


It feels nice, Grimm decides, to have someone text you good morning and good night. And occasionally good afternoon. Grimm is at Vince's place. Every member seemed more tense than usual.

The reason Grimm was there in the first place was to tell Vince not to bother him for the day. It wasn't unusual for him to demand it, in fact even Vince understood Grimm's occasional leaves.

They were always to visit Pete. Well, until recently that is.

As usual Grimm doesn't bother to knock and barges in. He stops short at the scene before him and raises a brow. Well this was new.

Vince is behind his desk as usual, the items on his desk are all scattered on the floor, along with a large white shirt.

A blonde woman is lying on his desk, her head dangling off the edge of it, facing the door. Her blue eyes are wide with surprise and mortification. And she is utterly naked.

Vince has his lips fastened on the woman's right nipple and his hand is between her legs, Grimm could see the wetness coating the man's fingers even from where he stood as Vince is frozen mid-thrust.

The woman has her lips parted mid-moan and her hands gripping Vince's hair.

"What the fúcking hell?!" The woman screams the moment Grimm says, "The fúck?!"

She shoves Vince off her and the silver eyed man looks amused as she runs to her discarded shirt, hands covering her crotch and breasts as she does so. She pulls the shirt over her head and turns red in mortification when Vince licks his fingers, the same ones that had been finger fúcking her minutes ago.

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