6.|Ring Masters|

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The city's mafia grounds were like a circus ring, everyone in it obeyed and followed the ringmaster. They move according to the ringmaster's orders, for his pleasure- for his gain only. In Grimm's opinion, the audience is just an excuse for the ringmaster to practise the excise of control and domination over the people in the ring.

In this city, there was only one ringmaster, Vincenzo, and threatening the ringmaster would mean that he would let the lions roam free until they devour the unlucky fúckers until there isn't anything left of them.

It was exactly what was happening. Vincenzo is in the process releasing his lions and there was going to be a blood bath. Even as he sets out, the end result was evident, Vincenzo was going to come up on top, bathed in the blood of his victims.

When Grimm arrives at the estate, Steve, their intelligence expert had already gone through the facts and joined the dots. All evidence pointed towards the Wolves, a newly formed gang which was quickly catching up to them. It was evident that the Wolves were getting outside assistance in their shipments of both ammo and drugs.

They already had a meeting to discuss how to eliminate the growing threat. It had been Vince that pointed out calmly to the rest that they needed to plan ahead before they move in.

In the end, they had extended a hand of friendship to the Wolves and they denied it, just as Vince expected them to. Now they had a valid reason to march in and shoot every fúcker they see inside their base.

Grimm goes to Vince's kitchen and stops midway. There, wearing a black shirt and white cotton panties, sits Vince's new toy, Beth. She looks pissed off as she devours the ice cream, straight from the tub.

Both of them stare at each other for a few moments before dismissing the other at the same time. Grimm walks to the fridge and pours himself a glass of water and sits down to drink it. It was a habit, he didn't drink anything unless he was sitting.

"So what's your name?" The woman speaks first and Grimm raises a brow at her. "It's none of your fúcking business." He grunts at her and she snorts.

Mumbling something about being under the same roof as the fúcking mafia. She had a mean mouth on her, Grimm decides as he moves to find Vincenzo. The whole estate was like a heavily guarded fort. No one enters or exits without the security knowing. Each of them were handpicked and wouldn't dare to betray Vincenzo. It helped that he was among the richest men in the city. He had the money and the power as well as the perfect front to cover up his crimes and control the city through the shadows.

Vince was practically untouchable.

Grimm found Vince in his office as usual, a cut on the corner of lips alerted Grimm to the fact that the woman eating ice cream in his kitchen was just as feisty as her attitude.

"A little dove pecked me a bit too hard." Vince grins and Grimm doesn't bother to acknowledge it. Vince was a man of different personalities, he just decides which he wants to put to use.

He slides a file across the table towards Grimm. It's the detailed life of the Wolves leader, Mario Franchesa. He had been married once upon a time, but his wife died of cancer. He's got two children, a seventeen year old boy and a small five year old girl. They lived in a foster home in the coziest part of the city. He visits them randomly once a month.

They were his biggest secret. And it didn't take long for Steve to find it. "You know what to do don't you Ripper?" Vince's silver eyes flash. Grimm knows exactly what he needs to do.

They'll return the favor, Mario Franchesa would receive frequent mail starting from tomorrow morning, the corpses of his beloved son and daughter, limb by limb. He'll have to put them together, just like how Cody's pregnant wife did for his. He'll receive them in tiny boxes in the mail, just like Broc's seventeen year old daughter found her father's head.

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