Chapter 7

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Summerset began, "I've known Don Miguel from a friend's friend. That time, I was raising my two youngsters - Marlena and Roarke - and even though they were considerate on our poor condition, I have to look for many ways to earn a living."

"That's why you joined the mafia.", Mira commented. It was a rare opportunity for her to know about Roarke's childhood coming from the one who raised him.

"No, I didn't. Too much hassle.", Summerset chuckled, then continued, "You honor confidentiality, Dr. Mira, that's why I'm expressing all of these...unequivocal things."

Mira smiled. "Your secret is safe with me."

"I played as an informant for Don Miguel, and later on became his close confidant. He keeps his word and pays really well, so there's no reason for me not to stick with him for a while. Besides, I can be picky on what job to take, one that would not cause me harm."

He looked at the sunrise outside the windows, and continued. "One day, he called me for a special task. Locate this certain woman, he told me, and then he showed a picture of a child. At first glance I thought it's some sort of a relative since he's not explaining to me much of the details, but as I dug deeper, I just realized it was his accidental child from a mistress."

"Roarke mentioned that it was a rumor."

"A rumor that anybody - even me at first - considered a bluff. He might be private about some personal things, but he's open in terms of social relationship. He keeps mistresses, never made a commitment to either of them, and remained single until now, that's why it's unbelievable that he planted his own seed. More, to a prostitute."

"And have you tried to check why?"

The butler only shrugged, "I could, but I don't want to divulge myself to know it. I was tasked to find the woman and the child, that's all."

Mira was silently watching him as he relayed the past, and sensed the tension in his words.

"It took me a while to see the connection, and I believe those who had handled the search before knew about the child.", he explained. "Even though he trusted me, he didn't give some information about the woman and the kid, not even their real names or his connection to him. He

only showed the child's picture once, and that's it. No copy for image for reconstruction, and the woman herself was good in changing identities."

“And did you verify your findings to him?”

“I did, but he never gave any further comments.”

"What do you think why he hired exclusive persons as PI but never shared his reasons? And why do you think he did not explicitly say that it's his child all along?" Mira asked, but she already knew the answer.

"For your first question? He wanted to test our capacity. For your second question? He's the Big Boss, one of Italy's most influential people, the leader of a mafia. What would happen if the outside parties knew he has an heir?"

"They'll exploit it and use as his weakness. Blackmail him", Mira answered. "That must be the reason why he never stated that he's looking for his child, and just let the people assume that he's simply looking for a lesser relative to make it low profiled."

“I’m very sure you’re aware how deadly and complicated the mafia world is. If Don Miguel used his resources and influences in tracking down a mere woman, his enemies would learn about his child and use her against him. It’s a double-edged sword decision to make. That's why dropping vague information to outside sources was the best thing he could do, that if somebody got a wind about it, it’ll only plant several seeds of doubt and confusion.”

Mira listened and learned more about Summerset’s involvement to the Italian Don, why he abandoned the job due to his daughter’s death, how the Don offered a small aid for him and Roarke to have a solid footing in the society, how they departed ways and met again for some reunion which led to their current situation.

“The Don told me that the woman’s name was Samantha Berkley. When I tracked her, she used a name Stella Troy. Then Roarke showed me a profile of the deceased suspect in the case the Lieutenant handled in Dallas. He matched up these three profiles and appeared to be the same person. But what confused me was his revelation. He said that she was Eve’s biological mother – how did it happen?”

Mira reached Summerset’s shaky hands.

“I don’t know much about the Lieutenant’s past, but I knew she suffered a very difficult childhood. She had nightmares about it, and I had witnessed it. I admit I never approved her as Roarke’s wife at first because I’m blinded with preserving Roarke’s high stature, but then I now realized, not only I wronged her big time, I had a contribution to her ill-fated childhood. If only – ”

“Don’t make assumptions yet, Summerset.”, Mira interrupted and went closer to him. “Eve might be connected to the Don’s mistress, and her age matched to the birth of his daughter, there’s still more questions to ask. It’s been three decades already, and mistaken identity is highly possible. And even though DNA test is the best solution, it’s not sufficient to answer the how’s and why’s.”

And the irony, she thought, if Lieutenant Eve Dallas was the missing heir of the most notorious ringleader of Italian mafia.

She had witnessed Eve’s breakdown in Dallas when she discovered her real mother, and even though she recovered from the pain back then, the appearance of this new person would force her to recall some painful memories about herself, destroying her childhood foundations and beliefs she had moulded through time. And that was something that Mira wanted to avoid.

When the house ‘link sounded, Summerset rose up. “I believe that was our signal that the Lieutenant’s ready to speak with you, Dr. Mira.”

He led her upstairs towards the master bedroom, but they stopped when they heard a loud commotion at Eve’s office. Before he could open the door, Roarke’s angered voice boomed inside.

“Don’t you bloody walk away and leave this house, Eve!”

Mafia in Death - an In Death series fanfic (J.D. Robb)Where stories live. Discover now