Chapter 3

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When Don Miguel saw Eve, he knew she was more than meets the eye. Indeed he was piqued who captured the Irish billionaire's heart, but he's more interested in her other aspects.

It was his plan to discuss about McQueen's in order to observe her reaction, and accomplished. It was amazing how calm and collected she was while discussing her case, but his gut tells him that there's something that was never revealed in the public press.

He tried to hide his disappointment when Roarke butted in and retreated. The way he held her, handled her, meant that he’s genuinely protecting her. Though the article was brief, it was mentioned that Roarke was in Dallas during McQueen's chase.

Fucking perfect.

He crooked his finger and his assistant Leopold emerged from the shadows. "Don't make them leave yet. Negotiate."

Leopold bowed slightly and left.

A few minutes later, Leopold went to his side and whispered the developments, outraged when he reported that the two escaped and currently being chased by some of their men.

"Impertinente! Who told you to attack them? I only said negotiate, not force to stay!"

"I'm sorry Boss - "

"Andare! You need to get those two unscathed or else you suffer the consequence!", he bellowed, not loud enough to disrupt the visitors.

Ramon rushed to his side, "Take it easy, Boss. It was just a misunderstanding - "

"Misunderstanding, my ass! This is my only chance, and I don't want to blow it. Damn, they know something. She knows something."

Ramon led him back to the balcony, and made him sit. When the Don calmed down and regain his composure, he began to think and calculate Roarke's moves.

"If I put my shoes to that ragazzo, he'll do some outrageous things, since we're dealing what's his. He'll do something to escape this island, and once he succeeds, that's the end of me."

Water and air were the only options, and using the latter was the most ideal and convenient one. But knowing Roarke, he'll choose the unforseen and impractical. Besides, he's the one who nurtured the guy.

"Conduct a shore search of any water vessels within 5-kilometre radius. I reckon he'll do diversion and make us believe he'll use heliport."

After Ramon relayed the instructions, Don Miguel asked him to drive at a certain destination.

Roarke and Eve arrived at the shoreline where a small yacht was prepared for them.

"Too easy.", he murmurred. "Too damn easy."

Eve even though the same, that's why when they reached their destination, she immediately pulled her stunner. Instinct kicked her and fired at her left.

"Whoa, easy there Lieutenant. You're sending me to my grave.", Don Miguel said as he revealed himself from the shadows.

"Give me a damn good reason why I don't have to stun you.", she spat.

The Don smiled and meet the icy glare of Roarke.

"Because one, I never wished you harm. Two, you're outnumbered. Three, I need something from both of you."

"And why would we believe that?", Roarke asked.

The Don never broke their gaze and called Leopold. The man appeared behind him, shaken with fear.

"Give me your gun, Leopold."

The man obeyed and handed the Don his rifle.

Eve jolted when the Don fired the gun at Leopold's foot. He collapsed on the sand, clutched his injured foot and bellowed with pain. She almost ran towards him but Roarke held her arm, stopping her.

"We have rules, Lieutenant. Those who did not follow the correct instruction must pay a price. His wound was not fatal, same as the bruises both of you acquired, and this is our form of discipline. I believe you're also a firm believer of rules, right Eve?"

She lowered her stun and silently cursed. "What do you want from us?"

"I want to negotiate."

"About what?"

The Don jerked his hand towards the yacht. "It's better if we discuss the matters privately, under your own control. Roarke would like that – me under his turf."

The yacht interiors were fully furnished with modern equipment and minimalist ambiance, but the three were not in the mood to enjoy the piece.

"I don't want to offer you some bloody drinks, so tell us your demands and leave.", Roarke said with whiplash anger.

Don Miguel helped himself by pulling a stool, sat down and rested both of his hands on his silver cane. She looked directly at Eve who was sitting opposite with him.

"I wanted you to open McQueen's case."

She raised her brow, "That man has been convicted and jailed for the rest of his sorry life off planet, victims and their families received their justice, case closed."

"But not for me.", the Don muttered. There was anger flared on his eyes.

"The first case?"

Eve recalled the children she found on the apartment when she's still an officer. Melissa and Bree were there, and other kidnapped kids, but there were some missing children not yet found. She paled.

"No. The other one - the case in Dallas."

That confused her. More, when he pulled something in his pocket and revealed a small case. Inside was an old photograph of a thin, pale child, with a shoulder-length brown hair and large confused eyes. She was wearing a pink, summer dress but it did not gave enough justice to brighten her smile and her dimpled chin.

"She's born around 2028, but after two years, I lost contact about her. A daughter out of wedlock, illegitimate, or hell, an unplanned one."

Roarke immediately reached the photograph before Eve could snag it with her shivering hands. He could feel the blood drained in his face when the Don revealed his aim.

"I am not interested about Isaac McQueen. I am interested on the partner he murdered. I believe she used a name Syliva."

His eyes skimmed on her golden eyes and saw an utter bewilderment.

"Yes Lieutenant, I need to reopen a case about the woman you stood for. The one in Dallas."

Mafia in Death - an In Death series fanfic (J.D. Robb)Where stories live. Discover now