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I had always dreamt of my life once I got to college, I imagined so much freedom and people running around like animals. Both of these things have been proven as true.

I always played with the idea of moving out of state and starting a brand new life, but unforeseen circumstances have stopped me from doing so.

My father died about a year ago, he was the kindest man I will ever know. He was the type to give all and expect none, so when he passed it was like loosing a little bit of the worlds happiness.

My family has always been close, seeing as there was only three of us. We did everything together, my father was truly my best friends. I can still remember our the impromptu camping trips in our backyard and how we would roast our marshmallows over a pit of fire in the center with our sleeping bags around.

Tears start streaming down my face at these fond memories of my father, it's been so hard with him being gone.

"Baby, why are you crying?" My mother asked as she pet my knee.

We were packed into our tiny car on our way to move me into my new home for the next four years, I had decided to stay somewhat local. It was only an hour drive but located in the big city of Chicago, so you can imagine the type of traffic we were behind.

"I just miss dad." I said continuing to cry, I could see the tears well up in my mothers eyes as I said this. We hadn't spoken too much of him since he passed out of fear we would both crumble at speaking on him.

"He'd be so proud of his baby, you're going to one of the top schools in the Midwest." She said smiling, she knew I had felt back leaving her an hour away.

I laughed, I knew she was right. I continued to look out the window as there was a gradual transition between country to city. There was a big difference between the two as more and more buildings appeared the deeper we got into the city.

We pulled up to the large campus that was littered with colorful signs welcoming everyone to the campus, there was a long line of cars circling the drop off area for the dorm rooms. I got out of the car and went to the trunk to grab one of the many boxes of my belongings.

We made our way into the tall building that housed roughly a thousand girls, the dark bricked building held about five floors and about ten rooms on each one.

With my mother trailing behind me we walked up the stairs to the second floor, I walked up to the room that was assigned to me.

The oak door was slightly ajar as I could hear some people inside, I'm assuming it was my roommate. I had read very little about her in the email the school had sent me, I knew she was a freshman just like me and that she was studying to be a nurse.

I knocked on the door hoping I wasn't going to be intruding on anything important and who I assume is my roommates mother opened the door. The woman has short dark hair and looked like she had been crying, her pale face was red and blotchy as I assume she had an emotional goodbye just like I will be having soon.

"Hello, I'm Amelie." I said sticking my hand out and balancing my little cardboard box of belongings.

"I'm Natalia and this is my husband John." She said pointing to the man next to her, He was towering over the both of us not that we were that tall but he had a sense of authority.

I reached over and shook his hand as well, they both looked to be in their forties and had almost picture perfect.

My mother greeted them as I inspected the room, they had already claimed a bed which I didn't care too much for. The beds were both a dark identical oak color with matching drawers underneath, I thanked my stars because storage was one of my main concerns. My bed was naked which would obviously not last too long but in comparison to my roommate who has already made hers and even decorated the wall with pictures, it looked like I had a lot of catching up to do.

As we all mingled and my mother talked to Natalia I had realized that my roommate was no where to be seen, but just as that thought popped into my head the door opened and there she was.

She was a dark haired beauty, with pale skin and light eyes. She smiled as she caught my gaze.

"Oh my god, it's so nice to finally meet you Amelie." She said running towards me and embracing me in a hug, she let go of me and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

"It's nice to meet you too Alana." I said and my mother shook her hand and introduced herself too. 

Alana's parents left leaving us three to get to know each other, as my mother and I set up my bed and put all of the clothes and school supplies away we learned a lot about Alana and he family.

Alana was from Texas, which would really explain the  faint accent that they had and both of her parents are Doctors, her mother is an OB and her father is a family doctor which is a very great business when thinking about it. We also find out that Alana has an older brother who graduated from the University of Texas two years ago and has since moved to Chicago, so her family was slightly at ease letting her go to school here. 

Once we finish my mother very sadly says goodbye to me.

"Alright baby, kick ass okay?" I couldn't help the tears streaming down my face, I know she wasn't too far from me but I was so afraid of being alone for the first time since I was a kid. 

"You got it mom, I love you." I said kissing her cheek, and with at she left.

Alana and I ended our night as if we were at a sleepover, talking and giggling all night until we both inevitably passed out. 

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