chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We are back with the original timeline

Sting's pov

After Rogue was dressed and had returned to his room I collapsed on top of my bed and groaned "auggggh why... even if he pretends it's obvious he's going to hate me." I paused before shouted "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO" I need to calm down, should I call someone? Yukino? Natsu? Lucy? Levy? Maybe not... I don't think Rogue would want me to share this information...

But why? Why was he okay with doing that sort of thing if he didn't like me back? Even with his orders to obey what I said, this is just going too far...

I grabbed my laptop it always helped me with homework, why not with my love life? I was proud of myself for coming up with this but then I realised what should I type?

'How do I get my crush to forgive me for something they aren't mad about?' nope

'how do I apologise to my assistant about basically raping him?" defiantly not

I'm being too specific, what do I want to happen between me and Rogue? I want him to forgive me he already does and well I'd love it if we had mutual feelings... I reached over to my laptop finally knowing what to type with a slight blush

'How do I get my crush to like me back?' and search

I tapped on the first one and it was unhelpful as it was all about sending subtle hints and it's a bit late for subtle but the next one was good

1. Do lots of little nice things so they notice you

2. Don't expect anything from them , it's their decision to like you or not

3. Talk to them, find out their interests and what they like and use it to your advantage

4. Don't force them to do anything

5. TELL THEM, if they don't know they might miss your signals

6. A date is always a good idea as it gives you a chance to get to know them and them you.

7. Be positive most of the time

8. Give them compliments.

Hmm this is good, I wrote it on a post stick note "I shall live by these rules" I announced to myself "hmm I date that sounds good... a movie and that cafe we usually go to? Yup! Let's see what film there are today after all its Saturday, yay!" I went on my laptop "hmm if I remember right Rogue has a star wars t-shirt right? Then Rogue one is perfect! It even has his name in it!" I was getting super exited then I realise I still have to ask him on the date and surely it will be super awkward *gulp* "you can't run away you're a man aren't you!" after another 30 seconds of preparing myself I pressed the button to call Rogue up to me.

Soon he was here and the words spilled out of my mouth "rogue will go somewhere with me"

"Of course Sting" he said with his small smile that always made my day.

"So where are we going today Sting?" he said as he started the car

"To the village pantry, any problems with that?"

"Nope sounds good to me"

"And after that I thought we could see that new star wars movie, the Rogue one?"

"Rogue one? Yeah I actually wanted to see that, how did you know" I swelled with pride

"Well I knew you liked star wars so I thought this would be th perfect movie for our first date" I said with a smile knowing the reaction I was going to get

"da-date" he said blushing

"Yup! You know Rogue I really do love you and I want you to love me too" so I've got a mission to get you to like me back!"

"You know if you told me too I would date you?"

"but that would be you following orders right not your actual feeling."

"... yes"

"exactly and I want our feelings to be mutual so I can't accept that, also I think it might reassure you to know that I've set some rules for myself" we were stopped at some traffic lights so I handed him my post stick note "these are alright but haven't you already broken one?"

"Huh, which one!" I said panicking

"Not expecting anything?"

"Oh shit. Well I'm going to try my best and if you decide you don't want to be with me then I'll accept that. If you decide you love someone else then I'll accept that. But while there is still I chance for me I'm going to try my best to seduce you!" Rogues blush deepened

"Well you've got "stay positive mastered"" he said and I smiled widely knowing that was him saying it was alright for me to try!


When we got to the café Rogue explained part of star wars to me so I wouldn't get confused and I noted that he liked to drink a mocha while I got a white coffee. I don't think he likes bitter things as he seemed put off by my coffee. "Hmm they sound good I should catch upon them sometime I think it's time to go if you don't want to miss the movie"

"Okay let's go then" the movie theatre was just up the road from the village pantry and we arrived I told him to hold our place while I got snacks and oh my the snacks were glorious! Popcorn, drinks, ice cream, sweets hotdogs and nachos I don't know what to choose hmmm Rogue likes sweet things so ice cream would be good and some sweets for him and I'll get some popcorn for myself and a drink each yup!

I trotted back to Rogue with all the snacks and he gave me the signature 'seriously?' look and I paid for it all despite protests from Rogue and we made our way into screen 2 and sat at the back where we wouldn't disturb anyone (hopefully [not likely]) and I passed him the iced tea, ice cream and malteasers I bought him "how'd you know I liked iced tea?"

"Guessed" I said feeling very proud of myself for that one.

"as the film started I looked over at Rogue though he was trying to contain it I could tell he liked these films and was exited, and I couldn't help but giggle at his expression "what?" he whisper shouted at me "nothing, nothing just your expression-"he punched me in the arm and I broke down in laughter when I looked again I was mesmerised by his slightly blushing irritated face –it was so fricking cute! I couldn't help but kiss him on the check. He glanced across at me and I smiled back he showed off his incredibly cute pout and turned back to the screen.

author's note

hi here's an update from now on i should be updating on Saturdays (hopefully)because of revision taking over my Sundays :-(.

this probably sucks i feel that my writing style just gets confused while i'm writing and i forget hat I've already wrote sorry.

also i managed to break my toe (probably) whhhhyyy so it means it hurts to walk in shoes or curl my toes but at least i got out of PE.  and i managed to do it by stubbing my toe really hard while running to get the phone *cry*.

also my dad is an idiot, i hate the downstairs bathroom at night it scares (don't ask why i don't know myself) so do you know what my dad does (fully knowing my fear) he turns off the light and he started laughing when i screamed why dad why...

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