Chapter 6

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author's note

hi i'm back with another chapter *pew pew* I went away for a few days without internet so had plenty of time to think of a plot for this chapter and a one-shot i'm working on, yay! speaking of the one-shot i'm trying to make the decision between drunk and confused as a plot point so feel free to vote!

Rogue's pov

Why... why did this happen...



A few hours ago I was helping sting get ready to go out with Yukino as they were going on a "girl's night out" as sting described it and I was assured by freed that it was a regular occurrence, only that I had to be prepared for him to be a little drunk when I picked him up, but that he had not been going out for a certain reason... (?) He trailed off after that and averted the question when asked him about this 'reason' was.

However about half an hour before it seems that she cancelled on sting. He was visibly upset, I felt for the guy after all they hadn't gone out for months because of this 'reason'. I quickly suggested that we could have some fun since his dad was working late and I had finished all my jobs for the night except for dropping him off with Yukino. However after he agreed we found ourselves caught in an awkward silence while deciding what to do.

"I know me and Yukino were going to go to a bar so how about we have some drinks"

"Well... I don't really drink... but you can go ahead sting"

"If you're sure..." and then he started drinking from the stuff he had in his cupboard... and he kept drinking... "Hey sting don't you think you should slow down?"

"Noppppe" he then looked at me in his intoxicated state gulped down the last of his glass before crawling over towards me "hey rogue"

"Yes sting" he then reached up to my face and brushed my fringe out of my face

"Have you ever considered cutting your fringe? It's a waste because you're so handsome" I then tried to move away as I felt uncomfortable with the physical contact but sting moved with me and we both ended up on the floor, him on top of me. Now I was defiantly uncomfortable. "what are you doing sting..."

"Just admiring the face of the one I love"

"Yeah, yeah nice joke, now could you ple-"

"No it's not a joke I really really really loooooove you rooooogey" he said further onto me "look I'll prove it!"

"What do you mean you'll pro-"I looked at sting in surprise as he crashed his lips onto mine before removing them "seeeeeeeeeeeeee I do love you rogue!" I could only look u at the man on top of me in surprise as he giggled to himself and chanted my name.

Suddenly he stopped and looked down at me with a very serious face "hey rogue you haven't said anything! Usually when someone confesses you'd do more than just sit there!" I could only gape trying to form words but my brain was too muddled. Is this just the alcohol talking does sting actually feel this way? Will he remember this in the morning if not should I tell him? How do I feel about sting?

Sting suddenly gasped and exclaimed "maybe your silence is because you are actually in love with me as well, and you are just extremely happy! Yeah that must be it!"

Suddenly his expression changed and his face filled with something one could only describe as pure lust "hey rogue sleep with me" it sounded like more of an order then a request. Just before I protested I remembered master weissologia's words "you will obey all orders no matter how weird or unwilling you are" I sighed and rid myself of all protests



Stings pov

When I woke up in the morning I found myself naked. In bed. With rogue. And the worst part was I remembered all of last night. All of it.

I quickly scurried over to my dresser and grabbed some clothes and felt relieved knowing it was Saturday and for my strange resistance to hangovers. Also I thought to myself rogue didn't say he felt the same way but he agreed to... do the deed with me ... so maybe he actually feels the same way! Maybe we could start dating! Just as I was doing a silent celebration to myself, rogue woke up.

I steeled my nerves and sat on the bed ready to ask rogue the key questions. How do you feel about me? And would you be my boyfriend? "Hey rogue you feeling okay?"


"Um rogue I remember last night... and I was wondering... how do you feel about me?"

I looked and saw rogue looking uncomfortable "i'm sorry sting but I don't feel the same way"

"Then why did you...?"

"You know the rules for me 'I must obey all orders'" he said with a shrug, as if it was no big deal.

"Yeah but this is taking it a step too far..." he hesitated for a moment and I could see it in his eyes... he's hiding something...

"Either way... this won't happen again I won't force you to do these things again, but I will try to woo you as, I'm sure you already know I love you" I saw him blush bright red, the desired effect. "Come on let's get dressed and ready before the beast gets suspicious"

"Okay" he said quietly. As I turned away my expression darkened I could tell rogue had a secret now, something making him overly loyal and I was sure I needed to find out I just don't know where to start.

author's note

another chapter finished yay! don't forget to choose drunk or confused for the stingue one-shot i'm working on! also net chapter may be a bit filler like (describing the date from the last chapter maybe) but will be out on sundayish.

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