Chapter 4

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Authors note

Time for the school chapter the ships will be yukinerva (Yukino x Minerva), Gratsu (Gray x Natsu), Locy (Lucy x Loke) and Gajevy (Gajeel x Levy).

Sorry if some of the ships suck as some of them aren't... my favourite cough Gratsu cough.

Also I will be using the British education system so if you don't understand then you may ask me ( I am British so using the education system I am used to is MUCH easier).

Btw I really like the song in the top bit (immortals by fall out boy)

Stings pov

I opened my eyes slowly and glanced over to my bedside table to see the time was 7:30am wait what! "Shit I'm late where the fuck is rogue..." I shouted before I saw rogue walk through the door with a gentle smile "ahh you are already awake sting..."

"Well yeah I'm half an hour late I can't be late! Did you hear the instructions I'm supposed to be awake seven" I said, not believing rogue would make such a simple mistake.

"Don't worry sting I was bored after waking up so I did everything already so it will take less time for you to get ready so I thought I would let you lie in for another half an hour". I finally looked around my room and noticed the perfectly set out uniform and the breakfast (that I would usually make) in his hands "so please relax sting everything is taken care of"

"Rogueeee-" I yelled as I hugged Rogue "you are my saviour freed would never do something like this"

"Right I get the message now will you please go shower and get dressed" I then realized a horrible truth... I looked down... and saw that I was only wearing... my boxers I blushed furiously releasing that I hugged him in this state "w-w-will do"

Before I knew it 8 had come around it was time to go to school, freed would still drive me until rogue obtained his licence. So why aren't you going to school rogue?"

"I'm already 19 sting I just went straight into work instead of uni" he said shrugging

"Oh okay... wait you're older than me!"

"You better believe it sting" he said with a confident smirk.

"Bye old man Rogue"

"Wait if he's an old man what does that make me!" shouted freed finally joining in on the conversation.

"bye rogue good luck with your driving lessons!"

"I could say the same to you master sting"

" I told you not to call me that" I muttered before finally departing for school.


As I walked up towards my fancy as fuck private school I saw Yukino waiting outside for me with an annoyed look on her face "shit I forgot to call her" I said to myself as I approached

"Hey Yukino..."


"Come on don't be mad I promise I was going to call you but then I met this guy... and... um... yeah" I could tell I had caught her attention she knew I was gay and the only single in our group

"What does 'yeah' mean"



"It's not like that... I don't think"

"Kyaaah is he like super-hot or like the mysterious the overconfident type or th-" I covered her mouth to stop her as my blush rose "shut up go make out with Minerva or something"

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