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I'm nearing the end of these requests. After that, I'll work on other stories and requests will open back up soon. Thanks for waiting patiently!

You were riding on the leader of your Pokémon team, which happened to be Rapidash. You were near a volcano because you heard that Groudon was there. You wanted to catch it, but you had ended up getting lost in one of the numerous caves that were attached to the volcano. The air was hot and Rapidash didn't help much, but it insisting being out because it enjoyed the hot air so much. This was its kind of climate after all.

You decided to take out your Mudkip and let it rest in your arms. It occasionally used some harmless move on you that helped cool you off. It was careful not to hurt the flames on Rapidash as well.

You saw light and you pointed to it.

"There, Rapidash! That's the exit!" You exclaimed, glad to finally see the exit. It was cooler on the outside of the caves. Cool enough, at least. Rapidash took off towards the exit of the cave and you finally saw daylight after being in the caves for what seemed like hours.

The only downside of being outside of the cave was that there was tall grass everywhere. You sighed and Rapidash began to gently walk through the grass, careful not to step on any wild Pokémon.

You made is successfully, to a ledge that you had to hop over. Rapidash easily jumped over, and you thought you were good, until you heard a loud cry. You were then thrown into battle with whatever Pokémon that you had accidentally stepped on or offended.

You hopped off your Rapidash and left Mudkip on its back, since it was too low of a level to fight at a place like this. You took out another Pokéball but stopped in awe when the mysterious, wild Pokémon revealed itself. It was a Flareon, out in the wild. How peculiar.

The Flareon suddenly turned human, looking like an attractive gentleman. He had orangish yellowish hair and a coat on. You wondered why; it was certainly too hot for a coat here.

You noticed that he didn't look like he was going to talk to you, and he was ready for a battle. The look in his eyes, however, told you that he didn't want to fight, he was too nervous.

You sent out your Beartic, which probably wasn't the best in this situation. However, the rest of your Pokémon were low level. You were trying to level them up. You yelled out a move for Beartic to use but the Flareon was faster and used flamethrower against it. He blew fire from his mouth, which made you watch in interest instead of commanding Beartic to move in time to miss the move. It hit and cut down a lot of health. However, Beartic fought back and hit, taking about one quarter of the Flareon's health away. You commanded Beartic to switch with Rapidash, who let Beartic take Mudkip. Flareon fired another move, but it missed.

Rapidash used Flare Blitz, which landed as a critical and cause the Flareon to be in the red zone. He fell to his knees in pain, groaning. You withdrew Beartic and Mudkip, running to the Flareon in surprise. You tried to help him up.

"D-Don't touch me..." He mumbled, backing away from you. You kneeled down.

"I can heal you... It's okay..." you said gently.

"I said get away!" He growled and tried to use a move on you, but Rapidash kicked a Pokéball at him. It had apparently fallen on the ground before. The Pokéball opened and Flareon was absorbed into it. It shook three times, and you could tell Flareon was struggling, but it clicked. You picked it up.

You withdrew Rapidash and let out Pidgeotto. You got on it and it flew up, flying to a snowy city. You landed and went into an open area, withdrawing Pidgeotto. You let out Flareon.

He appeared laying in the snow, bruised and burnt. He looked severely hurt, but not just physically. It was emotionally as well. You could tell now that something was off, and you thought about it, which made you realize why this "Wild" Flareon had appeared.

You quickly healed him of the bruises and burns, causing him to look good again. He looked better than before... He was hurt before you even started the battle.

"It'll be okay, my name is (Y/n), I'm a trainer. I won't hurt you..." you whispered gently. He looked at you with big eyes before crawling over and hugging you. You hugged back as he began to silently cry on your shoulder. You pet the back of his head.

"Shhh... It's okay, I'm here..." you mumbled, petting him. He sniffled.

"T-Thank you... I'm terribly sorry..." he sighed, his voice cracking, "my last trainer threw me out... I was ambushed by other Pokémon..."

"Why would they throw you out?" You asked, hoping it wouldn't hurt him.

"She replaced me with a higher level, shiny Flareon. It was bred to be the most perfect Flareon you could possibly get..."

You bit your lip and continued to pet him. How could someone do such a thing?

"I'd never give you away." You whispered. He sniffled and looked at you, smiling slightly.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Flareon hugged you tight.

"Thank you..."

You nodded and smiled, kissing his cheek. He lightly blushed and laid in the snow, cuddling you. It was a bit cold laying in the snow, but he had a very warm natural body heat. You snuggled into him as he wrapped his arms around you.

You ended up falling asleep right there in his arms as it began to snow peacefully. Flareon smiled and pet the back of your head.

"Thank you, so much, (Y/n)..."

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