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It was night time, as well as raining. You didn't have an umbrella so you were scrambling to find shelter, since you were far from home. You saw a cave and quickly went in, trying to keep dry. Your Pokémon really needed healing, but you didn't have any potions left. You had immediately regretted leaving the city without buying potions and revives. Preparation had totally crossed your mind.

You sighed and decided to explore the cave. Strangely, no wild Pokémon like Zubat or Diglett appeared. It was oddly quiet in the cave, except for the rain outside. It began to rain harder, and for a second you thought the cave might flood. You remembered that you saw somewhere on the news, there was a possibility that there could be a hurricane because someone pissed off the legendaries of the weather.

You watched as the wind picked up and it rained harder, some lightning lighting up the sky. You quickly went to the back of the cave, which really wasn't that far. You stood on a tall rock as the cave began to fill with water. There was suddenly a voice from above you.

"Hey... Up here. Take my hand." The voice said. You looked up to see a hole in the ceiling of the cave. You assumed there was a ladder here before, but it was gone. The stranger held their hand out and you took it, feeling yourself being lifted onto another level of the cave. The cave was lit up here, because of a Pikachu asleep in the corner.

The stranger put a heavy rock over the opening to block the water, then looked at you. He was a male, with blond hair and strange clothes. He also had strange markings on his face. He smiled at you.

"I suppose someone angered the Weather Trio, no?" He laughed before introducing himself, "I'm Jirachi, the wish Pokémon. Here, let me heal your Pokémon." He took your Pokémon and healed them with his own powers. You stared in amazement. He winked at you, giving them back.

"I'll keep you in here until the weather clears up. For now, you can get some rest if you'd like." Jirachi smiled and made a bed suddenly appear. You nodded and sat down, looking around.

"Is that Pikachu yours?" You asked.

"No, he's just a wild Pikachu I found. He was badly hurt so I decided to take him in, but then the weather became horrible, so he's staying here like you." He replied, sitting next to you. You weren't looking at him, but you could feel him staring at you. You looked at him suddenly and tilted your head, causing him to blush and look away.

"Why are you blushing?" You smiled.

"I-I'm not..." Jirachi replied quietly.

"Yeah you are." You poked his cheek and his face became redder. You giggled and poked him again, only to be suddenly pinned down, with Jirachi on top of you. He smirked slightly.

"You're just so precious...~" He laughed darkly before kissing you roughly, purring slightly. You were quite shocked, and not because of the surprising movement. It was more of the fact that he looked so innocent before.

You pushed your thoughts away as you kissed back, enjoying the moment. Soon, he pulled away and smiled, suddenly looking innocent again.

"Get offfff..." You playfully whined, trying to shove him off.

"I'm comfortable here." He laughed, staying on top of you. You groaned and giggled, playing with his hands. Pikachu suddenly woke up and made a gagging noise because of you two. Jirachi rolled his eyes, then looked back at you.

"Hey, I can grant you a wish. Wish for something and it's yours! Except for world domination and stuff though-" Jirachi mumbled. You smiled and looked him.

"I wish for you to stay with me." You said. His eyes widened, your wish catching him off guard. He smiled like a fool and giggled.

"Of course, that's an easy wish, trainer (Y/n). I'll stay with you from now on."

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