Child!Reader X Arceus

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You were wandering around in the woods, hugging three small plushes. Your father gave them to you. He explained that the plushes were a legendary trio, and they were named Dialga, Giratina, and Palkia. It sounded very cool and you loved the plushes, so you took them everywhere.

You didn't realize how far you had gone, all you know is that you were near a lake. You saw a Caterpie and gasped, chasing it. You giggled as it ran away, but you tripped over a rock and fell.

"W-Whoa!" You dropped your plushes and they bounced into the lake, the rushing water carrying them away.

"N-No!!" Your eyes widened and you got up, running after them. You got close to the lake ahead of the plushes, reaching out. You grabbed them, but accidentally stretched too far and fell in. This was horrible, you didn't know how to swim yet.

"S-Someone help!!" You cried out, struggling to hold your plushes and keep yourself above rushing water at the same time. You were pulled underwater a few times, coming back up only to gasp for air. You noticed a sudden drop at the end of the lake. Your eyes widened as you remembered there being a waterfall being here from pictures your mother had taken.

Your eyes began to tear up as you realized this was the end. You thought of how your dream to be a Pokémon trainer would never come true. The lake pulled you closer to the edge. You shut your eyes tight, hugging your plushes close as you kept kicking your legs to stay above water. The drop was only seconds away. You bit your lip as you felt yourself fall off, lost in the waterfall. You tried to scream but your mouth was full of water. You just had to wait for the sudden drop on the sharp rocks at the bottom.

Only... It never came. You were even in water anymore. You opened your eyes to see someone looking down at you curiously. The man was carrying you, holding you close. He had white hair and odd looking clothes. He looked special in a way.

You looked around a bit after noticing you were completely dry. Was it just a dream? You were back in your own room with the man. He set you down on the bed and tilted his head.

"Dear (Y/n)... You shouldn't walk near such strong currents..." the man spoke softly, looking down at you.

"W-Who are you?" You hugged the plushes closer. He seemed to notice the plushes and he smiled slightly.

"You'll learn about me soon enough. Just like how your father taught you about those three," he suddenly gave you another plush, this one being white with gold ring-like things around its body, "Just ask him about Arceus."

"Is that your name, stranger?" You asked curiously. He let out a soft chuckle.

"Yes. Call me Arceus. I'm sure we'll meet in the future, but for now we must part." He kneeled down so he was eye level with you.

"Be a good girl for me, okay?" Arceus smiled, kissing your forehead. You giggled and hugged him, mumbling tiredly, "Thanks for saving me Arceus..."

"Of course, my dear (Y/n)."

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