I am Sebastian

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I am Sebastian.

I have been watching you for many years, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

Monday night when you went out I snuck out of my hiding spot to look on your computer and I found out that you are on wattpad.

Under any other circumstances this information would not be useful but I thought you should know what had been going on in your home.

Next time you go out I might take a nap on your nice bed.

Don't call the police, they won't believe you and practically as soon as you say my name they will throw you out.

Everyone won't believe you because of the significants of my name.

Remember when you left your cat in your room when you went out one day and could find it when you came back...

Thanks for the snack ;)

Hey also remember how object suddenly became missing and you never found them.

Ehehehehe that was also me!

Because of you soon I will have a house and won't have to live in the shadows any longer... when you die.

Easy peasy, my strength is like no human being, you will be dead before you can blink, guts laying across the floor.

Don't, whatever you do read the first letter of each paragraph... you will regret it.

I am Sebastian.

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