Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Mel felt that piece of her heart that had died with Zander inflate to life again as she stared at his relieved expression.  He asked, “This means you believe me now?”

“Like I said I’m slow. I had to think it all out and realize how stupid I had been to push you away. It’s a lot to take in.” She still couldn’t believe her eyes but at least now she accepted enough to embrace her best friend was back in her life.

“I know.” He shrugged sheepishly as he took small steps closer to where she stood. “What’s been going on these last three years?”

Mel shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, hating that this had to be awkward at all when there wasn’t anyone on the planet that knew her better than Zander. “Nothing really, I was boring before you left and now I’m much more boring.”

“I never thought so.”

His words caused her to look up from her shoes and into his bluish green eyes. She confessed tearfully, “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing here.” Neither of them wanted to admit it but three years had passed and things do change.

“There’s no science for something this crazy.” Zander reached out and pulled her into a tight hug.

Mel held on with all her strength. “You got really tall.”  She was on her toes to reach his chin.

“You grew boobs.”

She laughed and cried at the same time, what he said was something he would’ve said years ago and it felt really nice to recognize him. “Geezus it’s so good to have you here.”

They stood there in each other’s arms for many more minutes to come, neither caring about the time, that was until Mel’s watch went off, an alarm she had set before leaving home. “My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m not home in the next five minutes.” She grabbed his hand. “Come on.” She wasn’t ready for their time to end yet if ever.

Dana Lowell couldn’t hide her reaction as she laid eyes on Zander, it was as if she had seen a ghost and in many ways that was the case. Her eyes were wide, her hand flat across her racing heart. “Amelia told me but wow….”

“Hi Mrs. Lowell.” Zander plastered on what Mel called his nervous smile. The one he used when he wanted to be polite but he was nervous as hell. Her mother had never been his biggest fan and he hadn’t forgotten that.

Dana blinked free from her shock when a loud beep went off. “That’s the oven. Zander it’s nice to see you…alive. I’ll let you both catch up.” she not so smoothly made her way back to the kitchen.

“That went better than I thought it would.” The guy of the hour commented as he followed Mel up to her room.

“She isn’t going to bitch about our friendship the moment you come back from the dead. For all she knows you’re a model person now and a good influence.” There was a question in the way she said it.

His smile was dazzling. “I didn’t turn into a boring goody two shoes if that’s what you want to know. I’m not on the wrong side of the law either like my old man.” They sat together on the floor. “Your room hasn’t changed.” He looked around the plain white walls, some rock band posters covering one wall leaving the others bare. “This is different though.” He pulled off her hat and tunneled his fingers through her black hair. It had been her natural shade of blonde the last time they saw each other.

“I went a little gothic-loner-mean bitch when I lost you. Blonde hair didn’t go with the image.”

“You as the mean girl? Now that I want to see.” He knew her as the shy girl that complained only in the hidden shadows out of fear over who could be listening.

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