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As I drifted off to sleep Lucy walked out passed us.

She smiled and said,"You can move to her bedroom if you like. It'll be more comfortable. It's the last room on the left down the hall." she winked. She took a video and re-treated back to her room.

I looked at her as she slept. Her soft brown hair resting gently on her cheek. I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom.

As I lay her down I noticed a few bracelets on her bedside table.

They said, "Never forget the people who made you smile."

"Treasure the ones you love..."

But there was one that really made me think, "Never let go of true love."

Maybe we could try a long distance relationship... But I was pursuing a singing career surely that wouldn't work?

I sighed and slipped into the bed. I wasn't sure how long it was until I fell asleep but during that time I thought about where our future was going.... Maybe in the morning I'll talk to her about it.

* * * * *

The next morning I woke up to the sound of a falling cup hitting the floorboards.

I walked out to the kitchen to find Lucy hunched over the smashed cup on the floor.

"Shit!!" she ran her hand through her hair.

"You right?" I asked her.

She laughed and replied, "Yeah I'm fine but I won't be when my sister wakes up, this was my sisters favourite mug..."

She started to gather the broken pieces, "Ouch!!" Her finger drew a blob of blood. She laughed lightly, "I was never good at cleaning up."

I smiled, "Yeah you go get something for your finger and I'll clean up."



"Well thanks."

As I picked up the pieces I placed them together to find they formed a heart in the middle. Once again it made me think of my relationship with her. Was the long distance relationship going to work? Would we just forget each other and continue living our lives? And then I remembered that today would be the last day I would be able to spend time with her... She was leaving tomorrow. I would make this day a day to remember.

I looked up as I heard footsteps heading my way followed with a gasp.


I stirred as I felt someone leave the bed. I opened my eyes to find him walking out of the room.

I sighed. I slipped my hands under my head and stared up at the ceiling. I was leaving tomorrow night. Today was the last chance I could spend time with him. I could feel tears forming.

I looked over to my suitcase which Lucy had kindly packed for me. I didn't want to leave. I was sick of leaving a country for another. I was sick of leaving people I cared for. I was sick of leaving friends and having to fit in again an again and again. But I knew I loved it too. I loved the feeling of walking into a new house, taking long walks around the neighbourhood with Lucy and meeting new neighbours. Experiencing different cultures, different clothe trends and most of all being able to start fresh from the 'old' life. But this time I wasn't excited.

I slid down next to my suit case and traced the border of the stickers I had saved up from travelling place to place. I wondered if anyone in the world had as many stickers as me.

I pulled my iPod from the desk and put in my earphones and started listening to Lenka "Everything's okay." I sneaked into the bathroom and fixed up my hair into a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I moved my shoulders and nodded my head to the beat of the song as my mood was lifted. I danced to my room and chose a pair of bright pink jeans and my favourite oversized jumper.

As I walked out to the kitchen I saw

him kneeling over a smashed mug. I gasped in shock.

I should have kissed you (1D Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now