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Swindle and Miko drove down into the Harvengers hull to look for Starscream. They had yet to find him at the moment.  Swindle beeped sadly missing his first friend and not knowing where he was hiding. Neither had noticed that Jack amd Raf had followed them.

Starscream laid down on his berth and stared up at the ceiling for a minute. He held onto the halogear atop his chasis slowly letting his optics dim slightly as he was starting to fall into recharge. His optics closed and he fell into a deep recharge within a minute or two. He dreamed of a past he no longer had. He dreamt of his friends he once had long ago. Friends he had no idea where they were by now.

Swindle transformed and walked side by side with Miko with his shoulders slumped and helm down. He looked up after ten minutes of silence and seen he was close to Starscream's old room. He grinned happily and ran to Starscream's opened room. He clicked and beeped in excitement and ran over to his friends berth and jumped to reach it to crawl onto the berth itself. He managed to get onto Starscream's chasis and start poking his faceplate.

Miko held back a laugh by snickering in her hands.

Jack and Raf peek into the room and quickly try to stop the laughter bubbling in thier stomachs.

Starscream's facial features twisted into annoyance as his servo that wasn't holding the halogear lightly shoved away the offending appendage bothering his deep recharge.

Swindle slumped on Starscream's chasis and slowly made his way off the berth. He walked over to Miko sadly. He clicked and beeped a few times.

Even though Miko didn't understand him, she could guess what he was saying. "Maybe he's just really sleepy? We should probably go get Optimus and the others." She shrugged as she started walking to the door.

Swindle blinking and nodded smiling softly at Miko's words. He knew Starscream wasn't just sleeply though, so he was a bit worried about his best friend.

Miko and Swindle left Starscream alone in his room to rest. Jack and Raf stayed behind outside the room just to peek inside every few minutes.

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