Chapter 44

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Thundercracker And Skywarp were beside their sister and their friends.

Knockout held Star's servo. "She's missed you both very much. When you two... died... she didn't... take it too well. She would constantly get Megatron angry at her hoping he would kill her eventually."

Skywarp smiled. "She really missed us?"

Soundwave nodded.

Thundercracker smiles warmly.

Swindle popped up into the room and seen them. He beeped loudly and ran towards them. He hugged a pede to get their attention.

Thundercracker looked down and grinned. "Swindle!" He bent down and picked up the tiny minicon and nuzzled him. "It's so good to see you buddy."

Swindle beeped nuzzling him back. He kissed his friends.

Skywarp giggled. "Swindle! I missed you my little trouble helper!" He plucked Swindle from his brother's servo and nuzzled him.

The two seekers were happy to see their friend again after so long.

Knockout and Soundwave smiled at the reunion. They could tell they all missed each other.

Optimus and Ratchet came in to see the seekers.

Optimus smiled warmly.

Ratchet chuckled.

Soon. Soon they would all be whole once they could wake Starscream.

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