Chapter 15: Interview

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Darcy: I was about to puke. Why? you may ask. Because I was sitting outside a set of huge studio doors, waiting for my que to go out and talk to none other than Kate Richards, one of London’s top talk show hosts.

Maybe I should start from the beginning on this. My video hit 2,000,000 views only a week after my discovery it was at a million. That’s when I got the email. It was from the producers of a show called Talk You To Death. This is one of the UKs top talk shows, just under shows like Chatty Man and such. So basically I panicked. Kate Richards was amazing. Critics loved her show. And now I, Darcy Louise Styles, was going to be on her show. I called everyone. I said yes of course. I mean, how crazy my life was becoming after only one video.

My dad was now extremely supportive. I think he understood what I was going through. He kept giving me pointers on how to do an interview. Here’s a list of Dad’s pointers for an interview.


-Cough if you have to clear your throat

-Act like its not your first time in front of a camera

-Answer like you are a pageant girl. If you don’t have a clue just say what would sound good or answer something about Africa.

-Make yourself someone people would remember.

Now back to the present moment. I was going to puke. I had a microphone clipped to my blazer. Finally, I heard my que, “Please welcome the amazing, Youtube sensation, Darcy Styles!” I pushed open the door, walking out onto the stage. I waved at the crowd like I had seen so many stars do before. I smiled. This didn’t feel real.

“Hi, Darcy!” Kate said. I swore I was going to wet myself right there. There standing in all her beautiful blonde glory was Kate Richards.

“Hi,” I said, my voice not much more than a whisper. I hoped no one laughed. I took my seat in the opposing chair. I looked out at the audience, still smiling, and found my dad, staring out.

“So is it true your Harry Styles’s daughter?” Kate asked, “I just have to clear that up.”

“I prefer to think more that Harry Styles is my dad,” I said. Kate laughed.

“Well I suppose now that is the case,” she said, “So you literally went from, well, semi normal girl to worldwide star in a matter of weeks. What’s that like.”

“It’s really crazy,” I said, getting more comfortable now, “I mean, if you would have told me at the beginning of the summer that I would be sitting across from you by mid July I would have been like ‘Okay’ and probably stepped a few feet back.”

“You would have thought that person was crazy,” Kate said.

“Yeah, “ I said, “And now I’m here, talking to you, and 2,000,000 people know my name.”

“And what does your dad think of all of this?” Kate asked.

“I think he can really relate to what’s going on in my life right now and I think he thinks its kind of cool,” I said. My dad smiled.

“So who are your friends in the video?” Kate asked. A picture appeared on a screen behind me and showed a picture from the video with all of us.

“Well, the girl with the black hair on the guitar is Niki Malik, Zayn and Jess Malik’s daughter, the light blond haired girl is Carly Horan, Maggie Nelly and Niall Horan’s daughter, the girl in the plaid shirt is Taylor Payne, Liam Payne and Hanna Raymond’s daughter, and the girl in the striped shirt is Amie Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson’s daughter,” I said, pointing to each one as I spoke.

“So you’re friends with all of them?” Kate asked.

“More like sisters,” I said.

“Wow,” Kate said, “So you all are really close.”

“Oh yeah,” I said, “And in the video we decided it would be fun to dress like our dads.” The audience laughed.

“That’s really cute,” Kate said. We went on with the interview.

I got offstage to the dressing room, where my dad sat beeming. “You did amazing!” he said.

“Thanks,” I said, “I felt like I was going to die.”

“Well, you did awesome. Really,” my mom said.

“Yeah nice job,” my little sister said. For once, I actually felt above her. And I liked it.

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