Chapter 13-Epilogue

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Will's point of view



"Will!" I heard Nico yell. "I need you to help with the kids!"

"Coming!" I yelled from our bed. I get up and grab a shirt off the floor and slip it on before I head downstairs.

I get downstairs and see Nico trying to tie Bianca's shoe laces and keep Jack sitting on the couch.

I laugh and Nico quickly turns and sees me. "Can you help me?" He ask. "Sam isn't up yet and we have 10 minutes."

"Yeah, yeah!" I said. "I'll wake him up." I walked back upstairs to Sam's room and knocked on the door.

"Sam! Sam are you up?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm almost done." He yelled back.

"Ok hurry up!" I said. "We have 10 minutes."

I walked back downstairs and saw Nico was finished with the twins and he was laying down on the couch and the kids running around him.

"Having a rough morning are we?" I asked jokingly.

"Shut it Solace." He said.

"You love it."

"Yes your right I do love it but if you don't shut it I won't kiss you all day." Nico said smirking and getting up.

I stood there shocked that he threatened me by not letting me kiss him. "You wouldn't."

"Try me." He said in a romantic tone.

I pulled him closer to me and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

"Stop it daddy's!" The twins shouted. "Kissing nasty."

We pulled away and laughed at them. "When you find someone that you love you will kiss them." Nico said.

"That's right." Sam said coming down the stairs. "Just like me and Sarah."

"Sam." I said sarcastically.

"What." He said innocently.

"Come on we got to leave if you want to get to school on time!" Nico said waxing everyone out of the house.

We all got in the car and started off. We dropped Sam off at his high school first who found Sarah instantly. Then we got up to Jack and Bianca's school. We got out and watched them run into the school with their friends.

"Nico." I said.


I turned towards him. "I love you Mr. Solace-di Angelo."

"And I love you Mr. Solace-di Angelo."

I pulled him into a kiss knowing that my life would have never been complete without MY Nico.

Guys that's it, that's the last chapter, that's the end of the book. I hoped that you enjoyed the story I had such a fun time writing it. But everything must come to an end. Be sure to check out my other book Sacrifice it takes place in the Star Wars universe. And thank you guys sooooooooooooooo much for reading my book.

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