Chapter 7

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Nico's point of view

It's Friday, so I've been living with Will for almost a week now. Tomorrow night all of our friends are going to meet up at Will's house for truth or dare. I walk down the hall thinking about Will and how much I miss him. We have been apart for an hour.

I am forced back into reality when Octavian shoves me into the lockers. "Watch were your going fag! You know you should go kill yourself no one would miss you!" He says laughing at me.

He and his friends walk off. "Go to hell." I whisper putting my books into my locker and calmly wait for Will. I've stolen most of his sweatshirts or basically anything that says Solace on it.

Will final got to his locker and he takes forever. (Like someone I know)

He went to lunch and the day proceeded as normal. We ate lunch with everyone talking tomorrow and how fun it will be. All I can think about is what Octavian said to me.

"Nico, what do you think?" Annabeth ask me.

"Oh, uhh, yeah sounds good." I say not knowing what we were talking about.

Will wraps his arm around me and stares into my eyes. "Are you ok, death boy?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I lie to him.

I push what Octavian said aside and the day goes on all normal.

The bell rang to let us out of school. Me and Will walk to our lockers putting stuff up to go home. "Hey, Neeks, remember I have practice to get to. You can walk home or stay and watch me!" He says giving me a smirk.

"I'll stay, I don't want to walk home by myself." I say playfully shoving him.

"Great!" He says. "Well I got to get changed see after practice!"

I watch him run off to the locker room and I proceed to the bleachers outside. I sit down and see Will running across the field so he won't be late. (Coach Hedge is very strict)

I watch the team practice and run the ball and all other football stuff. I watch Will the most and can't help but admire how sexy he is in his jersey. Everything was going fine until I see Octavian and his crew walking towards me.

"Hey, fag." He says. I stand up to move away from him but he grabs the back of my hoodie.

"I'm talking to you!" He spits at me.

"Leave me alone Octavian." I growl at him.

"How about no! Until he go kill yourself I'm going to make your life a living hell!" He yells at me.

I break away from his grip and start running away but one of his goons grabs me and shoves me on the ground. They then proceed to kick and beat me. Everything starts to go fuzzy and parts of my vision starts to go black.

"HEY!" I hear Couch Hedge scream. "You stay there you little pieces of shit. They entire team and the couch come running over to me. When the get over to I'm half conscious. I'm covered in blood and bruises and a black eye. The team surrounds me but I can't see Will. "Move, move!" I hear Will yell pushing past people. He final gets to the front and sees me. He breaks down in tears telling me that it will be ok. He looks up at Octavian who is standing there smiling. Will gets up and takes his helmet off walking over to Octavian. "Hey, Octavian!" He says and Octavian turns toward him. "Yeah, fag?" He ask sarcastically. Then Will took is helmet and brought it down onto Octavian's face. He collapses and Will jumps on him and start punching him. "If you ever, and I mean EVER hurt my boyfriend again I will make sure every bone in your body is broken!" He yells at him as Percy and Jason are pulling him off Octavian.

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