Chapter 11

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Nico's point of view

We all got in the car and drove to the courthouse. I'm going to have to testify against Octavian. What if he doesn't go to jail and he comes to find me and beat me up again or worse.

"Nico don't be scared I here for you." Will says smiling at me.

"I know I know it's just... I don't like public speaking." I said lying.

He gives me a small laugh and kisses me.

"Boys!" Apollo says stoping the car. "We're here."

We pull apart and I look out the window and see a bunch of reporters and cameramen.

"Is this really a big deal for the press?" I ask looking at Apollo.

"Yes it's a big deal!" Apollo says.

"Ok..... let's go." I say reluctantly.

We get out of the car and begin to walk towards the courthouse. As we approached the reporters turned to me and kept trying to ask me questions.

"Nico! Nico! Nico di Angelo what are your thou-" Was all they got out before Apollo interrupted them.

"Nico will not be answering any questions at the moment!" Apollo shouted pushing through the crowd.

We got through the crowd and went into the courthouse. A man was waiting for us and took us into the courtroom and took us to the table we would be seating at. When we got there Will and Apollo sat in the benches right behind me with my father, Persephone and Hazel. I went and sat at the table there was a lawyer waiting for me.

"Mr. di Angelo I am Mr. Ren. Your father wanted the best lawyer so he hired me. I haven't lost a case and I don't expect to." He exclaimed.

"Ok thank you I hope you don't fail this time." I said jokingly.

He smiles and laughed. "I don't plan on it!"

"All rise for Judge Penguin." An officer said. We all stood up and and the judge walked in and sat down. We then fallowed and sat down after him.

"Mr. Ren you can call your first witness." The judge said.

"I like to call Nico di Angelo to the stand." He said looking at me.

I got up and walked over to the stand. "Mr. di Angelo can you tell me what happened in the alley?" Mr. Ren asked.

I looked around nervously. "I... I..." Was all I got out. I looked at Octavian who was smirking like he knew he would win. I took a deep breath and began.

"And then the cops showed up and hauled Octavian off." I finished the story. I looked at the jury who most of where in tears. I glanced over to my family who were also in tears. Then I looked at Will he had tears running down his face and was crying into Apollo's shoulder.

"Thank you Mr. di Angelo." Mr. Ren said.

I walked back to my seat and sat down. The lawyer called Coach Hedge and Octavian up to the stands.

"We will take a ten minute recess and come back." The judge said and hit his mallet.

We all got up and left the courthouse to talk outside in the back where there are no reporters.

I waited for everyone to get there and I was crushed under a big, blonde, blue eyed, hot guy.

"Will get off of me!" I said trying to pushing him off of me but I was failing.

"No!" He shouted. "That was the first time I heard you tell the story in depth. It was so sad! I'm so sorry that happened to you!"

"It's fine now!" I say. "Now if you get off of me I may just give you a kiss."

Will quickly hops off of me and pulls me to my feet. "So about that kiss?"

I laugh and bring my lips on to Will's. We pull apart and I am suddenly tackled again.

"What the fuck!" I yell. Then I see Hazel on top of me.

"Hazel get off." I say.


"Now!" I say cutting her off.

Me gets off and helps me to my feet.

"Nico I feel so bad for you." Hazel says. "I hope that little shit gets what he deserves."

"I know he will." I say smiling.

"Well let's get back in there the recess is almost over." Will says grabbing my hand.

We got back in the courtroom and I gave Will a kiss and went to my seat. I sat down next to my lawyer. "What happens now?" I ask.

"They give Octavian his sentence." He says smiling.

The judge reentered the room, we stood, and then sat.

"Jury have you reached a verdict?" The judge ask.

One of the jury members stood up. "Yes we have your honor. We the jury find Octavian-"

And I leave it on a cliffhanger!! 😄😄 I know I'm a bad person. Sorry it's a bit short. What do you think. Do you think they find him guilty or not. *evil laughter*

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