Chapter 10

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Will's point of view

Nico fell asleep in my arms which was so cute. I carried Nico up the stairs to my room. I set him down on the bed and began to remove his clothes. I took off his shirt and stared at his abs. I began to remove his pants which are wicked tight. He's laying there in nothing but his boxers. I can see his bulge and I am tempted to grab it and wake him up. I restrain myself and I grab one of my sweatshirts which he as grown fond of wearing and slip it on over his head. I grab the blanket to pull over Nico but as I do I can clearly see his bulge starting to grow.

"I hope he's dreaming of me." I whisper. "If he's not I'll kill him.

I smirk to myself and cover up Nico. I take off my shirt and climb into my bed. I pull Nico closer to me and cuddle him until I fall asleep.

"Will wake up!" Nico says jumping on me waking me up.

"If your not going to suck me leave me alone." I say looking at him.

Nico looked up thinking then hopped off me. "Fine stay here I'll go to school by myself."

"Ugh!" I say getting up.

"You know that you can suck me to get me up?" I say sarcastically.

"I know but when I sucked you to get you up it wouldn't be as special for when I did suck you!" Nico says smirking.

I walk up to him grab and pull him closer and pull him into a long kiss.

"Come on let's get breakfast." Nico whispers in my ear.

He grabs my hand and drags me downstairs. We walk downstairs and heard my dad. "Ok, I will make sure that he is there. Ok, ok thank you, bye."

"Dad who was that?" I ask scaring him as we walked in.

He jumped and turned around. "Oh! Boys uh that was uh the courthouse."

"Why was the courthouse calling?" Nico asks sitting at the table.

"Octavian is going on trial for beating you." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

I spit out my coffee. "What! For real!?!" I yell.

He nods and me and Nico both lost our shit. He jumped out of his chair and ran over and hugged me. I was jumping up and down screaming.

"Boys! Boys!" My dad yelled trying to calm us down. But it didn't work.

Nico hugged me and I hugged him back. I could hear him crying tears of joy. I cupped his face in my hands and looked at him.

"Nico we won, we won against Octavian!" I said looking into his teary eyes. "I love you!"

He pulled me down into a kiss that felt like hours but it was only a few seconds. We pulled away and we gasped for air.

"Boys I have big news!" My dad said. (I forgot he was here)

"What?" I asked him.

"I got you boys a car to share!" He said holding up a pair of keys.

"No way!" Nico yelled.

"Yes way!" Apollo said mocking Nico. He then tossed Nico the keys.

He smiled and pointed to the door. "It's out front."

Me and Nico both ran for the  door shoving one another out of the way. We opened the door and saw a blue smart car. (Only car that I could think of!)

"Cool!" I yelled. Me and Nico hopped on and took off for school.

Time skip after school because I have no creativity!

We pulled up in the driveway after school and hopped out and grabbed Nico's hand and went inside. We walked into the living room and saw my dad, Persephone, and Hades. I stormed over to Hades mad that he was here after what he did to Nico.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I yelled.

"I.." Was the only thing he was able to get out before I interrupted him.

"You think that you can come into this house and take Nico!" I yelled. "You are in for a big surprise! I would die before I let you take Nico from me!"

"Will calm down." My dad said.

"Calm down! Calm down! You are letting the man that hit and abused his son into the house were he is staying!" I continued yelling.

Nico out his hand on my shoulder and I turned my head to see him. "Will please calm down."

I took a deep breath and sat down pulling Nico onto my lap.

"I am here to ask my son to forgive me." He said looking at Nico.

"Forgive you!" I yelled before Nico cut me off in a kiss.

"You calm?" Nico asked.

"Yeah I'm calm." I said relaxing a bit.

Nico turned to Hades. "Why would I forgive you? After all you have done to me. Why would I forgive you?"

"Because I am trying to be a better person. Persephone has helped me with my anger and I am sorry for the disgusting names I called you." Hades said with a tears forming in his eyes. "And I am especially sorry for the way I treated you."

He broke down into tears and cried into Persephone's shoulder. She looked at us and gave us a small smile. He collected himself and stood up. "Well that's what I wanted to say. Thank you for listening." He headed for the door.

Nico got out of my lap and turned towards Hades. "Wait!" He yelled a little bit. Everyone turned to him. "I forgive you."

I could see the tears in Hades's eyes coming back. He walked up to Nico. "Thank you." Then you pulled him into a hug.

They broke away after a bit. "So does this mean that you are coming home?" He asked wiping his tears away.

"No." Nico said. "I already am home."

"This place is my home now. But it's not the place it's the people that live there." He continued. "I'm sorry but this is my home now."

Hades nodes in agreement. "Can you come over for dinner sometime? All of you."

"We would love to!" Apollo said. He looked down at his watch. "Oh my! Well it's been good seeing you but I have to get Nico to court!"

Hope you had a good Christmas!! Sorry for the wait for chapter.

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