When it ends

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Kyle's POV:

I'm so mad right now, and to be honest i have no clue why. Or really who im mad at. Maybe me for not looking for her earlier, Luke for touching her so familiarly, or her for letting him touch her. And even maybe the fact that im so mad about it!


I sat in the crowded kitchen of Scarlet's house practically trying to kill Luke with my glare. While i saw him knee his way between the legs of the blue eyes beauty from before.

Why was i so interested in her anyway? What possessed me to leave the blond in the corner to come find her?

I saw as Luke shook her gently and felt my blood boil at the thought of him touching her. I could feel my talons coming out and closed my eyes to keep from turning. Just when i opened them up again i see scarlet smiling as Luke takes off her mask.

Oh hell no! Was it her the whole time? Why in the world cant i stop thinking about her? With her sea blue eyes..and amazing white smile... And cheeks so red they look like plums.... Shit! What am i thinking!! I shook my head and started looking around trying to ignore her presence which was becoming a hard task.

When i sneak a glance at them i almost felt my self growl in anger, as i saw scarlets face getting too close to Luke's. She looked entranced for a moment before she straightens up and coughed uncomfortably. i felt my heart calm. God seriously what was wrong with me??

I stayed staring at them, well more like glaring at Luke scarlet just happened to be behind him. I felt my anger rise even more when Luke picked Scarlet up and started walking towards the living room.

Oh hell no!! He better put her down now!!!.. wait why the fuck do i care?!! ugh i need a few drinks. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the fact that Luke and Scarlet are off god knows where, while i knocked back a couple of drinks and felt the burn of the sweet alcohol go down my throat.

After about a dozen shots, i went out to the living room again. As soon as i stepped out of the kitchen i could feel the heated glares of a group of girls, the blond from earlier included. Most likely she had told them about how i just left her in the corner of the house not too long ago.

As i walked through the crowd of sweaty, drunk teens, i caught my self looking for scarlet. I just couldn't help myself... Although i do hate myself for not even knowing why i couldn't help it.

I mentally groaned as Paulo hooked his arm around my head and pulled me into a crown of people dancing.

"Whats wrong man?" he said as a brunette bended in front of him.

"Nothing, just drank a little too much." I was acknowledged with a nod of the head while he looked down at the girl in front of him. I sighed and walked to the back of the house, and in the split second i stepped outside my whole body shook in anger as i stood behind a sobbing scarlet.

I must of stood there looking at her for 10 minutes fighting with myself to talk to her, before i actually moved towards her. I managed to calm myself and bring my voice down an octave so we could actually have a conversation without telling me to go die.

I sat a few feet away from her and she automatically lifted her head.

"What's wrong beautiful?" I asked with a tilt of the head. I felt my self crumble as she looked at me with such sad eyes.

She began to sob and I collected her broken being in my arm as i rubbed her back and felt her slowly get quieter. I smiled and started to let her go but stopped immediately as she grabbed on to my arm and held me close to her . Im so glad thats not when it ended.



I had bad writers block...so yeah....

I know its not a lot but here at least a chapter.

(Sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes)





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