Chapter 17

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"Right. So this is your second scan Miss Reeds?" Doctor Weatherly asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

I squeezed David's hand and he lifted it to him lips and kissed my limb hard. She lead us to the ultrasound room and I sat on the table. I was no longer nervous, unlike the last scan, and actually excited. I lifted David's old t-shirt, that I was wearing, to reveal my baby bump. At nineteen weeks now I had stretched out a shade under six inches. David inhaled sharply as he saw my faded purple stretch marks that covered the bottom of my stomach. Doctor Weatherly examined them quickly before proceeding with the scan by covering my stomach with the gel. I shivered as she did so.

"You putting bio oil on those marks Miss Reeds?" She asked.

"Yes Ma'am," I replied, "Their not as bad as they used to be."

She nodded approvingly. The doctor fiddled with the machine for a few moments before she turned it on and began the scan. Almost immediately we saw a black and white figure appear on the screen. I could just make out the limbs of the baby from the fuzzy screen. I started sobbing in joy. My baby. My very own baby. David squeezed my hand.

"The baby is beautiful!" He mumbled.

I grinned stupidly at him. His face lit up at the sight of the baby. He grinned as he saw it moving in my stomach. He had been reduced to a child who's birthday and Christmas had all come at once. If it was up to him I'd give birth right now.

"You ok?" I asked him.

He nodded. He was speechless. This was what he had always wanted. He wanted a family to call his own. I knew this was his everything. And to see a clearer image of our baby now as he or she had developed more since last time brought back the same strong maternal instinct I had felt.

"Who wants to know the sex?" The doctor asked.

I looked at David and he nodded quickly. His grin could not be wiped off.

"Yes please!" I squealed excitedly.

She nodded and turned back to the screen. She moved the scanner around my stomach a couple of time to see all the angles. She pressed hard in certain areas and I hissed in response, but didn't comment.

"I'm pretty sure you're having a girl," she told us, "Congratulations."

"Pretty sure?" David asked.

"It's a scan Mr Ride. Without actually giving birth to the child you can never fully be sure but if you look here," she pointed to the baby's lower body, "There is no evidence to the development of the penis but the foetus could just be in a certain position which is obscuring the genitals. There are tests to be done to confirm the gender but they do carry a risk to the baby and potentially to Miss Reeds."

"How come?" He pressed.

"She is still very young and the tests are not normally performed on women under about twenty five and they are used to screen for hereditary disorders too," the doctor replied.

"Is the baby ok? Whatever it's gender is," I asked.

Doctor Weatherly smiled, "Yes. There appears to be no physical problems and she is not under duress. I'll get you a picture of the scan if you like."

"Thank you," I replied.

I looked at David and grinned as she switched off the machine. She handed me wipes to dispose of the gel. She left the room and I began to wipe off the gel. David took the wipes from me and wipe over my stomach. The baby kicked slightly as a reminder she was there. I winced slightly. David leaned down and kissed my stomach.

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