18 months later

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"Hey Mrs Ride!"

David dropped his bag before pulled me in for a long and lingering kiss as he walked through the door. I couldn't help but smile as he did. He pulled my hair out from its ponytail position. He stopped and drunk in my features. He smiled.

"You miss me?" He flirted.

"Oh yes!" I replied, "Aurora needs her nappy changed again and, despite her name, hasn't slept at all today. I'm hoping daddy can calm his little princess."

He rolled his eyes and headed to Aurora's room, "Remind me again why I wanted to be a father!"

"You can check Jason while your at it!" I shouted to him.

I smiled as I collapsed onto the sofa. Ella was still at school but she was going to Zac's after school anyway. If David could get the twins to sleep, I'd have him all to myself.

I divorced Leo and married David three months after the night Howard invaded our home. We moved a couple of days after the honeymoon to a larger house. At the time we did it simply because we couldn't live in such a violated house but a few days later we found out I was pregnant again so it was relief we moved. Aurora and Jason were the result. I smiled at the thought of our unexpected angels. Soon afterwards, David quit his job as a trainer and became the CEO of our charity Teen Safe, which helped homeless teens find their feet. David had just come back from a business trip up North, where he was overseeing the development of housing just for teens to get them off the street and encourage them to earn their livings. I was grateful for him doing so much work for the charity, but I was so glad he was home.

"Mrs Ride!" David shouted to me, "Your son wants you."

I rolled my eyes and wandered into the babies' room. David held a half asleep Aurora and a wailing Jason. I took Jason from his and unbuttoned my shirt and exposed my breast. He began to suckle and the crying ceased. I could see out the corner of my eye that David was aroused and I just shook my head.

"Are you ever gonna stop calling me Mrs Ride, Mr Erected?" I laughed quietly.

He blushed deeply and laughed awkwardly. I knew it wasn't his fault, but I liked to tease. He placed Aurora back into her cot and gently pulled the blanket over her.

"Probably not, Mrs Ride," David replied, "At least not until it's sunk in."

I laughed. I'd heard this ever since the wedding. I cradled Jason until he too fell asleep. I placed him in the cot opposite his sister and, together, we both tiptoed out. His lips crashed into mine as soon as the door was closed and he carried me to our bedroom next door. He laid me down onto the bed and leaned over me, his lips still on mine.

"God! Do I want you right now!" He moaned.

I bit my lip, "I need to talk to you first."

His lips kissed my neck, "You. Know. Your. Killing. The. Mood."

"David it's serious!" I moaned.

He stopped kissing me and instead sat up on the edge of the bed. I sat up too and sat on my legs as he pulled off his shoes and socks. I slowly lifted my jumper to show off my stomach. David gasped at the sight of the slight baby bump.

"Oh my God! Are you pregnant again?" He breathed.

I nodder excitedly, "About a month and a half. Though after this I'm getting my tubes tied!"

David smiled weakly, still stunned, "I so need a fucking vasectomy!"

I laughed, "You wanna keep this one too?"

"Of course I do!" He replied, "As long as you want to."

I smiled, "Yeah. Yeah I do!"

He kissed me quickly. His hand rested on my stomach to see if it were really true. He smiled like Ella did at Christmas. I couldn't help but smile also.

"Congrats! You're a dad again!" I screeched excitedly. 

"I can't believe it," he murmured, "I went from a junky to a god-father and dad of three .... well now a fourth."

I smiled but it was weak. I couldn't help but feel guilty. David looked at me and closed his eyes as he sighed. He knew what I was going to say before I even said anything. He reached over and held my hand. I tear fell from my eye.

He sighed, "When?"

"Early hours of this morning," I replied, "I knew it would happen soon. What can you do? The worst thing was that she was pregnant. Two weeks. She never got to be a mother..."

I broke off. Lucy had died after struggling with breast cancer for a year. Eventually it spread quicker than it could be contained. Late last night or in the early hours of the morning her body finally gave up. John had been with her the whole time. He had watched her slowly die. Sophie hadn't slept or eaten or drunk since finding out. She did nothing except morn her lost sister. It just wasn't fair! Lucy was the youngest. She should be out partying and being stupid and being free. She should never have been contained to a bed feeling nothing but pain.

David sighed, "And John?"

"Sedated," I replied, "Apparently he was caught trying to jump out the window."

David jaw tightened. Sophie and Jake had been almost completely out the picture since David and I first got together but Lucy and John had both reached out to us. They lived with us for a while and that was when Lucy told us she didn't want any regrets in life because hers was coming to an end. David viewed John as the brother he never had and would literally do anything for him. David and I had both insisted on a wedding for them and insisted on paying for everything. Including the best treatment for Lucy. It hadn't been enough.

"I'm sorry Alex! I should have been here," David murmured.

I shook my head, "Please don't say that! It's not your fault! None of it is!"

I kissed his lips gently and ran my hand through his soft locks, "I. Love. You!"

I wrapped my arms around him and he held me close. He stroked the back of my head softly. David pressed his lips onto my skull and lingered there.

"I love you too," he murmured.

I pulled away and studied his face. His face was practically unaged but his hair was sprinkled with grey. He did, however, have dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. He reached up and stroked my cheek lovingly. I slowly pulled his jacket off him before proceeding to unbutton his shirt. I kissed his exposed chest.

As gorgeous as ever!

"Leo. Has. Invited. Us. To. His. Wedding!" I murmured between kisses.

I heard David snort, "Let's just not talk."

I stopped and looked at him. He slowly leaned over me and unbuttoned my shirt. He smirked when he saw my bra.

"Still wear blue and orange?" He laughed.

I bit my lip in reply. His lips trailed down my neck and over my shoulders. He nuzzled into each breast as he passed them before kissing my stomach. I moaned in ecstasy and begged for him to hurry up. He then agonisingly slowly unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. My body quivered in anticipation. He then rose and leaned over me face to face once more. His lips crashed into mine and I yanked his jeans off and felt his erection rub against me.

"I love you very much Mrs Alex Ride and we have been apart for too long," he spoke slowly and I clung to every word, "I'm going to take you slowly and passionately."

I moaned in delight, "I know! And I'm going to love it."

He smiled wickedly, "You ready."

I smiled back, "Do your worst..."

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