Chapter 25 "Peace and Love"

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The two stood just meters away each other. Skrillex wore a calm face while Era is giving him a down right creepy smile just like a psychopath murderer would give you before he chops you into pieces. They both held swords in their hands but it differs in color, each color tells their attribute in life, Skrillex's sword was blue which symbolize loyalty and confidence while Era's sword is red which symbolizes determination and passion.

"So finally have the guts to face me?" Era asked with a smug look on her face.

"Yeah, after you put all the blames on me you witch" He said still wearing the calm face.

"Heh, it was worth it" Era said. She raised her left hand and out of nowhere, she summoned red daggers from behind her. She jerked her hand towards Skrillex and the daggers came flying towards him. Skrillex however gave a small smirk and deflected the daggers with his sword. It was so fast Era didn't even see him move.

"I'm impressed, you still have the speed" She said.

"Well, I have been saving that small portion of it for that attack you made"


"Defend yourself" He said then he suddenly disappeared and out of nowhere he attacked from above sending down a slash cutting Era in half. She wore a face of shock then fell into ashes.

"That was easy... too easy" Said Skrillex keeping his voice nonchalant. Then suddenly five daggers flew from behind him but he dodged it right before he could be hit.

"Still using illusions huh" said Skrillex

"I'm just rather testing you, heh youre still that easy to manipulate fighter I once fought"

Anger flooded in him but he resisted it and prepared for a fight. "Now let's get serious"

"I am honored" They both posed a fighting stance, their swords' blades are glowing and slightly burning in their hands. They both lunged at each other till their blades meet. Skrillex made crazy spins with his swords while Era made rapid attacks with her's. Era slashed her sword and hit slightly his Skrillex's shoulder.

"Crap!" he said then he smiled.

"Nice move but you do know that I can heal now" Era looked at his bruised shoulder and it's true, he can really heal. His wound is slowly healing until it disappeared. Skrillex lunged at Era and Era prepared to defend herself.

"I'm gonna send you back to where you belong" He said.

"Bring it sucker!" She shouted.

He slashed his sword in front of her but missed multiple times. Until he finally hit something. It wa her hair. Era looked astonished when she saw lock of her hair floating down the ground, she was totally pissed, she summoned subordinated to assist her against Skrillex while Skrillex prepared to go head to head against her subordinates. Her subordinates attacked and swiftly but they were no match against an angel. They were defeated quickly as if their ants that just got stepped on by a big boot but Era wasn't rearlly serious about that. She then summoned more powerful demons (an army of it) to fight with her, but this time, these demons are just down right powerful than before.

"This is what you get from cutting my hair!"

For the first time. Skrillex looked worried. "God help me" he said.

He prepared to defend himself, his sword is burning as if its on fire. " Et omnes iudicabuntur" He whispered. Then the demons attacked. They were approaching fast but before they could enter the Skrillex's range, A barrage of egg bombs fell from the sky struck them all. The demons tried to cover themselves with shields but it's futile. The eggs did a wonderful job but it wasnt enough, it only eliminated half of the army suddenly snow and sand, golden sand swept over the battle field. The snow freezed the demons while the sand formed mallets to smash the demons individually but it doesn't end there. Deep inside the army, a large hole appeared, and Dozens of stone Sentinels marched out of it and then Bunnymund threw some boomerangs while the Sentinels advanced slowly but stringly like heavies.

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