Chapter 7 "It's not really goodbye it's just see you next time..."

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Venus somehow slept... peacefully. No nightmares, no weird visions, nadda. Nope. Nothing.

Which was strange...

She didn't want to get up, she was too tired. The 'tour' yesterday really exhaust her to the core. Wanting to get more sleep, she took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled. She focused on the soft chirps of birds from the distance, the fuzziness of her blanket, the scent of berries, carrots and chocolates of her fluffy blanket- THE SCENT OF CARROTS AND CHOCOLATES OF HER FLUFFY BLANKET!?!?!?!

Her heaven and earth colored eyes snapped opened and immediately landing on the sleeping Guardian of Hope that was currently cuddling on her stomach area tightly.

"H-Hey! Knock it off Furbrain...!" she whisper-yelled as her cheeks turned into a light shade of pink. She tried hard not to stutter but... yeah you get my point. It's not everyday you wake up to a 6 to 7 foot talking, stubborn (yet handsome) rabbit cuddling to you until morning.

Venus tried to shake him awake but no matter how hard she shake him, he couldn't wake up. Keyword "TRIED". "Bunny?" she called, but the Pooka only whimpered in response "Bunny" she said sternly, something was definitely up. Venus started shaking him with force "BUNNY!!!" tears already started to stream down her face "WAKE UP! YOU BLOODY JACK RABBIT!!!. She couldn't take it anymore,so she slapped him with all the strength she could muster.

Bunnymund shot up, his eyes, bloodshot, his grey fur messed up. His eyes looked back and forth with fear, as if searching for the one who causes the fear. Venus has seen that look a thousand times. Bunny started hyperventilating. His breathing became ragged and uneven, Venus carefully put her hands on the sides of his face to help him calm down "Hey, hey, its just me..." she whispered in a calm manner, while gently rubbing her thumb at his covered cheeks. Bunnymund's emerald green eyes met her heaven and earth colored eyes and saw that she is not going to hurt him. Bunny suddenly hugged her tightly, afraid she's going to leave him.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes but to them it felt like an eternity. Bunnymund felt his breathing return back to normal as he calmed down.

"What happened?" she asked as she (somehow) felt her heart shatter as she saw the once fierced Pooka turn into a lost little bunny.

He told her everything, but he still left the blind little girl part cause he felt its a mystery that he has to solve for himself. From the broken Angel on the battlefield, the weird prophecy of doom and the strange speaker.

"What exactly does this 'strange person said?" Venus could sense something fishy about this, and she didn't like it, NOT. ONE. BIT. "I can't remember much but I only caught, 'Everything is going die, Blood from all those who breathe life will paint the streets red, Friendships will be tested, Loyalties will be broken, And there's nothing you can do to stop it.' I don't understand what it means but I sense something bad about it..."

Something clicked on her mind 'It couldn't be... Could it?'

"Is there anything else?" she softly asked. Bunnymund shook his head 'no'. Once again, Bunnymund pulled her into a tight embrace "I've never been this scared on my whole life..." he muttered. Something about this 'dream' seemed to give him the cold shivers, which was odd for him to receive one, knowing he's a six to seven foot tall rabbit, a master of Tai Chi with nerves of steel and a boomerang wielder with uncanny skill and swiftness.

"Bunny, this is no ordinary dream, this a warning. A vision." Venus said.

"For what?" Bunnymund asked.

"I'm not sure..." She muttered.


"You have to go" Bunnymund stared at her for awhile, not understanding what she meant. "What! Why? What's bloody going on?" there is definitely something that Venus was hiding, for she was bad at keeping secrets. Venus racked her brain for some answers or some white lies but every excuses that pops up in her brain, sucks.

"I-I, I don't know! Alright!... It's something I have to do...It's not safe here Bunny, something... or someone is lurking in here, I don't know why, but you have to go. NOW"... a loud crash was heard downstairs.Both of their heads shot up at the sound before Venus carefully grab her bow and quiver at her bed stand, readying it. Bunnymund pulled out his enchanted boomerangs as Venus crept towards the door before slowly opening it, making sure it didn't make a 'creek' noise.


Venus carefully looked left and right before motioning Bunny 'coast is clear'. Both of them slowly and quitely crept downstairs as they heard the crashes getting louder. Venus mouthed to Bunny 'kitchen' as she gripped her bow tightly, Bunny nodded his head as both of them crept to the kitchen.

Once they reached the kitchen, they could hear giggles as they smashed whatever that is in the kitchen. Venus carefully peek inside before quickly looking away "whatd'dya see, sheila?" Bunnymund quietly asked, making sure whatever or whoever is in there, didn't hear him. "Demons... 3 of 'em" she muttered while gritting her teeth. "There's probably more of them. They never travel alone..." she added while prepping 2 more arrows to her bow "do you still have those egg bombs?" she quietly asked while taking a little peek at the intruders. Without saying a word, Bunnymund gave her 3 eggs.

Waiting for the right moment, Venus threw the eggs to the 'Demons' making it explode into different pastel colours. When the intruders are finally blinded, Venus took the opportunity to shoot 3 arrows directly into the demons chest before they scream in agony then burned into ashes "GO! GO! GO!" she shouted to Bunnymund, running towards the door and as Venus predicted, more demons crashed inside. They slashed and shot their way through the horde of never ending wave of demons.

(Luckily) They got out of the house before things get absolute worse. Silver turned into a black and silver tundra stag (mythilogical creature from the fairy kingdom), swiftly carried both Venus and Bunnymund on his back, running away from the place where him and Venus used to call home.

A few minutes later, the 3 of them are infront of the entrance of the woods. "So, I guess this is... goodbye" Bunnymund quietly said, not really wanting to leave. Venus on the other hand, gave him a small smirk "awww, is the fwuffy wittle bunny going to miss wittle old Venus?" Venus teased in a babyish voice while pinching his furry cheeks. Bunnymund blushed and pouted, and swatted Venus's hands off him "Ah, rack off mate!" He said in annoyance as he rubbed his cheeks making her laugh. To Venus, Bunnymund looked like a 5 year old kid not wanting to be embarrassed infront of a girl or his friends.

"Oh, cheer up mate!" Venus said while mimicking his australlian accent, making Bunnymund give her a really?-look. She just chuckled and headed over to Silver, climbing on "It's not really 'goodbye', it's just... see you next time..." she smiled at him as she and Silver made a 'levade move' before galloping back, deeper into the forrest.

But before she's gone out of earshot she shouted "HOPE YOU'D GET BACK TO YOUR WARREN SAFETLY FURBRAIN!!!!!"

Bunnymund chuckled as he hopped back to the other direction. He (finally) created a bunny hole leading to his beloved warren...

wait-HOW DID SHE KNEW ABOUT THE WARREN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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