Chapter 14 "And so it starts..."

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Bunnymund was shock. It all makes sense now.

Her skills... Her intellegence... Her abilities... No wonder she was able to do all those impossible things... She's one of them.

She's one of the Angel Patrons of Fate...

....She's an Angel....

Hate, anger and betryal swelled up inside of him. How dare she trick him into befriending her! How dare she act as his friend! How dare she show up to him!

"I thought that you were my friend..." Bunnymund said through gritted teeth as he slowly walked to her, Venus eyes widened as her fears has come true, she backed away slowly while raising her hands up a bit. "You fooled me! You played with my emotions! Witch!" The Guardians didn't do anything but watch as the two friends become enemys once again.

"Aster, please... You don't know how much it hurts to keep you away from the truth... I-I just don't want you to be a part of my mistake" Venus said as she whispered the last part.

This caught the Guardians attention. Her mistake?

"What mistake?" Jack asked what was everyone was asking. Venus could only look at the Guardians wth sadness in her eyes.

"I-I... It's complicated...." She stuttered.

Before the Guardians could say anything, Venus felt like someone splashed her with cold water. She kinda felt invisble spiders ran up and down on her spine. Her heart was slaming in her ribcage.

... Something's wrong...

"I-I have to go" She said as she speed walked to the exit. "WHERE ARE YOU GOIN' I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!!!" Bunnymund yelled as he tried to charge at the faker with a boomerang in hand, but the Guardians only held him back. "Well, I am!" Venus said without looking back, her voice nearly cracking but she covered it up with a loud SLAM! Of the door.

The Guardians just stare at the door where she had walked out With silence.

"I know her..." The Guardians looked at the Guardian of Wonder, quizically. "I would recognize that look from anywhere..." North started. Then he walked towards the fireplace. Then he flipped something in the swords that are decorated on top of the fireplace. The hidden passage groaned as it parted and there revealed a portrait of seven Angels circling around the globe. There were 4 girls and 3 boys.

"There were seven Angel Patrons. The Angel Patron of Fair, Balance and Harmony. The Angel Patron of Peace, Tranquility and Life. The Angel Patron of War, Chaos and Death. The Angel Patron of Bravery, Independence and Freedom. The Angel Patron of Inspiration, Creativity and Imaginations. The Angel Patron of Miracles, Trust and Wishes. And finally the Angel Patron of Love, Courage and Light..." He said, Jack looked at the portrait and he was surprised that they move a bit.

"I have a theory... That the angel that we are looking for is non other... The Angel Patron of Light... The youngest of the angels," North explained, he looked at the Guardians to see any signs of them interrupting him. Once he saw Bunnymund about to protest he continued "I saw Venus' eyes. They held love and courage. But they also have brokenness and guilt in them." North added.

"What are you trying to say North?" Tooth asked as she fidgeted a bit. North only looked at them and said "You know what I'm trying to say..."


North put his hands on his hips and stated "Who's with me?" At first nobody stepped forward until Tooth said "I want to know the truth. The REAL truth... Count me in." Then going to North's left side.

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