I Won't Say Anything At All, Chapter 22

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**Josh's P.O.V**

Once outside the room, Jessica and Matt looked up at me.

This was the very first time, that Jessica's makeup was ruined, and it was also the very first time, I saw Matt cry.

Matt hung his head back down, and Jessica still was looking straight into my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt my knees get weak, and I collasped, landing on my knees.

I sat against the wall, with my arms around my knees, then I felt tears rolling down my face.

Just then, Jessica sat down beside me, along with Matt, joining me.

We all sat there in silence, until Matt's phone rang.

**Nicole's P.O.V**

It's been more than a day, since Matt left in a hurry because Josh was in trouble.

He didn't even call me!

Whatever, I hope they are alright.

I quickly dialled in Matt's number.

I think 5 seconds passed by, before someone said," Hello?"

I couldn't quite recognize who it was, there voice was muffled, and it sounded like they were crying.

" Uhmmm...hi...is Matt there?" I said.I heard the voice cough, trying to regain composure.

" This is him." Matt said.

" Oh my God Matt! I didn't even recognize your voice, are you okay?!?" I said, quickly.

" Yeah....I'm fine.." Matt said, without hesitation. I was suprised he understood what I said, seeing as I was talking really fast.

" Is everyone else okay?" I asked hesitantly.

" Not exactly...." Matt said.

Then Matt continued," Josh's ex., Amanda, shot Grace."

Wait...was I hearing this right.....GRACE WAS DEAD?

Suddenly, I heard a loud beeping noise come from the other line.

" OH MY GOD!" Matt said, before hanging up the phone.

I quickly grabbed my coat, and headed down to the hospital.

**Matt's P.O.V**

I was talking to Nicole, when we suddenly heard a loud beeping noise come from inside Grace's hospital room. My head snapped up and I turned to Josh, who sat frozen on the hospital floor.

**Josh's P.O.V**

Matt was having a conversation with someone, but I couldn't care less about that.

I just sat there, hoping...PRAYING that Grace would be okay.

That's when we heard a loud, long beeping sound, come from Grace's room.

The sound of a heart monitor going dead.

I felt my heart stop for a second, and I was craving heroin more, than ever before in my life.

Matt glanced over at me, but I couldn't being myself to go inside of that room.

Then suddenly, the doctor came rushing past me.

I would never, feel my arms around her.

I would never hear her, say my name, or anything, ever again.

I would never hear her, tell me that she loved me, over and over again.

I would never get to tell her, I loved her again.

I would never get to feel, her arms around my neck.

I would never get to feel, her soft lips against mine, ever again.

I wanted to die.

This was it, my true love, Grace was dead, and she would never return.

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