I Won't Say Anything At All, Chapter 12

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**Grace's P.O.V**

I woke up, still ontop of Josh's chest.

Since  he has insomnia, and was finally sleeping, I did my best not to wake him.

I grabbed my phone off of the hospital table, trying not to make any sound.

The screen was bright, and read *7:30am*

Soon the doctor was going to come in and check up on Josh, but I didn't want the doctor to find me sleeping beside Josh.

That would be, awkward.

I decided to text Danielle, she should be up, technically it was a school day.

*Hey, come by the hospital at 9am okay?*

A few minutes later I got her reply.

*Alright, is it okay if Liam drops by as well?*

Liam was Danielle's boyfriend, but I didn't know how he and Josh would get along, so I responded.

*Well, I'm not sure if Josh and Liam get along, so hold off with him for a while...okay?*

Suddenly, Josh's phone vibrated.

Should I check it? I don't think he would really mind...would he?

I decided to take my chances.

A name flickered across the screen, AMANDA.

Josh once told me his ex girlfriend's name was Amanda, I took a breath, then opened the message.

*Josh, listen, I've tried being nice, but now, desperate measures must be made. Break up with her, I'd hate to see her get hurt, if you know what I mean. I know I cheated on you Josh, but I love you. I love you more than Grace ever will, sound fair?*

I was about to drop Josh's phone.

I wanted to smash it against the wall.

How dare she. She lost her chance. Even worse, SHE was the reason Josh started heroin!

I felt the anger growing inside of me.

I thought of texting back JOSH IS MINE, but Josh couldn't know I read that, nobody could.

I quickly put Josh's phone lightly back on the table, the message still marked unread.

Amanda wouldn't dare touch me.

Then I remembered I had been texting Danielle.

I quickly opened her text message.

*Oh alright, but sometime they will have to meet each other, see you in less than an hour. :) *

Woah! It was already 8:15? The doctor would be here, VERY soon.

I slowly got up from the hospital bed, fixed up my hair, then sat in the hospital chair next to the bed.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps from outside the doorway.

I assumed it was a doctor, instead I found a girl with blonde hair.

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