I Won't Say Anything At All, Chapter 15

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**Grace's P.O.V**

I just sat there, beside Josh, motionless, almost as if I were frozen, and was unable to speak.

Suddenly I blurted out," THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!"

Jessica, and Matt both looked at me.

"Don't say that Grace! None of this was your fault." Matt said, then came over to rub my back.

By this point, both Jessica and Matt, were sitting beside me, trying to comfort me.

I knew this was my fault, no matter what anyone said, it was my fault.

It was me, who got into a stupid fight with him. Me who left him here, alone.

If he was at my place right now, at least I would have been around to call 911 faster, that would give him a greater chance to live.

My thoughts were suddenly interupted, by the distant sound of a ambulance.

"It's here!" Jessica said to me, Matt running for the door.

I checked Josh's pulse again, even slower, but at least he had a pulse.

I could feel tears rolling down my face, even more now.

Suddenly, Josh's cell went off.

Being as curious as I was, I checked it.

*Josh, this is your last chance, tell that bitch to back off, or I will have to emilinate her from our little problem- Amanda*

I couldn't deal with this, not right now.

Then I thought of something, and without thinking, I asked Jessica.

"Does heroin have long term effects?"

Jessica looked at me, confused," Yeah...why?"

I ignored her, and ran downstairs to meet Matt.

"When is the last time Josh has done heroin?"

"Less than a year ago.." Matt muttered.

I stared at him, then ran back upstairs.

Again, I lied down, beside Josh, and gently put my head, over Josh's heart.

This couldn't be happening..

Suddenly, the paramedics rushed through the door.

"What happened?" One of them asked.

Jessica shrugged, then looked at me.

"Can you leave for a minute Jessica...." I said, as I saw Jessica's eyes widen.

Finally, she nodded, and left the room.

The paramedics stared at me.

" Is it possible for a former heroin addict to die, less than 24 hours after a plane crash?" I asked hesitantly.

The paramedic looked at me, then nodded.

"When is the last time, this man took heroin?" The paramedic asked.

" I'm not quite sure, ask his friend out in the hallway, he says it was less than a year ago." I said, trying to hide my tears.

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