I Won't Say Anything At All, Chapter 14

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**Josh's P.O.V**

Grace insisted to drive me home, she thinks it wouldn't be safe for me to drive considering the accident yesterday. I felt fine though.

Anyways, Grace seemed nervous, worried, about something.

I mean, Amanda wasn't going to touch her, ever again, and I was fine, so why be worried?

Although, I must admit that, it was scary.

Why the hell was my body craving heroin last night?

That can't ever happen again.

It was probably about 8 at night, I didn't bother looking, but when we left it was 7:45.

I wonder why Grace hated her birthday so much.

Suddenly, the radio started playing Shaketramp.

I quickly turned it off, and Grace gave me a funny look.

"Do you not like your own song or something?" She said.

I rolled my eyes, then without thinking said," Grace, I have to ask you something."

Grace gave me a serious look, then we pulled into her driveway.

I guess Grace didn't hear me, so I left the question alone.

I got out of her car, trying to forget about my body craving heroin, back at the hospital.

Grace was already ahead of me, at the door, unlocking it.

"IM HOME!" She yelled.

Other then a cat, meowing silently in the background, there was no answer.

"Guess nobody's home." She said.

Then, she opened the trunk of her car, and pulled out my suitcase.

"What are you doing?" I said, following her into her quiet house.

She didn't respond, I followed her into, from what it looked like, was the living room.

Grace sat down on the couch, and I followed her.

"What are you doing?.." I asked again.

"Want to stay the night?" She asked.

I looked at her confused.

I must know, if she loves me, and not my fame.

I quickly blurted out," Grace, do you only love me because I'm famous?"

Right when I said that, I wish I could take the words back.

What was I thinking?

Idiot, that's what I am, a fucking idiot.

I could see the expression on Grace's face change.

She stood up, and stood over top of me.

"How could you think that?" Grace said.

I could hear the pain in her voice, I had hurt her.

I saw a tear roll down her face, and land on the hardwood floor, below our feet.

"Its just that..."

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