I Won't Say Anything At All, Chapter 7

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**Grace's P.O.V**

We just stood there, together, staring into the night.

I could feel Josh's pain go away.

I sighed, it was hard to keep myself from crying as well.

The main reason people start drugs, is because they had something going on in life, that possibly wanted to make them kill themselves.

I couldn't imagine how hard it was for him.

To think my life was hard, just because I had to move to Vancouver, and leave all my old friends behind. Sure, it was upsetting at first, but if I hadn't have moved, I wouldn't be here, with Josh.

**Josh's P.O.V**

I could feel myself start to cry, the pain start to come back again.

Then Grace hugged me, and the pain went away.

I stared at my scars, then closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around Grace.

I was so glad Grace understood.

So there I was, Grace in my arms, everything was perfect.

**I can change everything till its perfect again.**

I kept those song lyrics in my mind, then stared up into the night sky.

I had lost track of the time.

Finally, pulling myself together I said.

"I should get you home, it's late."

Grace looked at me, I could tell she had starting tearing up, but why? It was my problem not hers. I don't understand why she would still want to be with me.

Grace nodded, then smiled at me.

**Grace's P.O.V**

The ride home was quiet, except for the buzzing of the radio speakers.

When we arrived at my house, Josh got out of the car, then came around to my side and helped me out of the car.

I gave him a sweet smile.

"I had a great time tonight." I tried to happily say.

Josh looked at me, smiled and said," So did I."

Suddenly, I felt my fingers interlocking with his, and we were walking to my door.

I turned around to face Josh.

I still had no idea what to say.

Instead, I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Josh looked at me for a moment, then kissed my forehead, and said," Goodnight, beautiful."

**Josh's P.O.V**

Here I am, lying awake in bed, thinking about everything.

You see, when I did heroin, I developed insomia as well.

Once, it got so bad I stayed awake for 2 weeks straight.

Ever since rehab, it has gotten a lot better.

But tonight, I wasn't sure if it was the insomia, I lay awake in bed, trying to figure things out.

Why would Grace like me?

Suddenly, a terrible thought crossed my mind.

Did she only like me, not let me go when I told her my deepest secret, because I was famous to her?

I had noticed I was crying again.

No, that cant be it, but there's no other reason.

I grabbed my notebook from my bed side table, and began scribbiling down words.

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