I Won't Say Anything At All, Chapter 3

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**Josh's P.O.V**

After I had finished my little performance infront of the music class, I felt as if this is what I was meant to do. Preform, preform tons of people, possibly around the world. Ha. Like our little rock band would ever make it that far. Matt gave me a look of approval from the other side of the room.

Just then the bell rang. Satisfied with myself I grabbed my guitar and walked to my locker. I grabbed my backpack and was prepared to walk to my car when I turned around and there she was.

"I-I-I-can't believe it!" Grace stuttered

"What?" I asked. I had no idea what Grace was talking about.

"You're-you're Josh Ramsay!"

"Yup, that's my name." What was she talking about? She knew that was my name.

"You are Josh Ramsay." Grace said excitedly to me again, in a clear voice this time.


"You are the lead singer of Marianas Trench!" Why did she care? More importantly...how the hell did she know who my band was?

"Yeah....so what?" I didn't get what the big deal was.

"Your voice, your songs...are amazing!"

"You know my songs?" I never remembered showing Grace any of my songs, well other than "Beside You" which I just played in music class a few minutes ago.

"ARE YOU KIDDING? SHAKETRAMP IS LIKE MY FAVOURITE SONG! And beside you...it's just so  beautiful."

"Oh well thanks." I said, I couldn't help but blush a little bit.

**Grace's P.O.V**

I couldn't believe this, the guy standing infront of me, Josh Ramsay, was the lead singer of one of my favourite bands! Just then another boy walked by Josh. I think his name was Matt, I knew him from my math class.

"Josh band practice at 4:30pm sharp, don't be late this time." Matt said to Josh while walking by,

Then he noticed me and walked up to Josh and I.

"Yeah, whatever Matt." Josh answered.

Matt looked at me and then back at Josh.

"Who is this?" Matt asked Josh as he looked at me.

"This is Grace." Josh answered before I had a chance to.

"Hi Matt." I said as I gave him a friendly smile.

"Hey." Matt said as he gave me a smile back.

"Your singing was amazing in music class." Matt said to me.

I blushed a little. "Thanks, I don't really sing infront of people a lot, I'm suprised I did today."

I looked at the time. It was 3:10. I had missed my bus. Great.

Josh could sense the worried look on my face.

"Do you need a ride home?" Josh asked.

"Well..I um kind of missed my bus.."  Matt just laughed.

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