15. Reminiscing on Memories

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Joe's POV

The ride home was short and silent. Neither of us really talked, but it was a comfortable silence. 

As soon as we did arrive home, i started asking him about what we should do for my video.

"So," I started, "I have a few ideas, but i'm not sure which one to do."

Caspar nodded, "Alright, what do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking of reacting to our old collabs?" I said, in somewhat a hopeful tone.

Caspar seemed to like this idea, as his eyes immediately glowed up, "Joe that's a sick idea! Yeah let's to that!"

"Yeah?" I asked him, to which he nodded, "Alright, i'll go set it up immediately!"

I took off my jacket which i wore to Oli's, and went down to my room. I set up my camera infront of my bed, and put my lights in the correct position to get the best lighting.

Once done, i called Caspar down, and we both sat down on the edge of my bed. I haad my laptop infront of me, ready to play the videos we were going to watch.

i pressed record.

"Today guys, I am joined by Caspar Lee," I let Caspar do his weird little awkward gesture to the camera before continuing, "And we're going to be reacting to some of our older collabs!"

"We don't actually have that many you know," Caspar butted in, "We only really met in like 2013."

"True, but i was new to Youtube back then, so i was probably rubbish at it, so there will be lot's to laugh at more than likely!"

"Okay so by the looks of what Joe's got on the screen infront of us, our first ever collab was called 'Naughty Accents' uploaded on the 17th November 2013, by me," he did a cheesy smile and wave towards the camera, to which i rolled my eyes at.

"You had your video titles in all capitals back then, god." I said.

Caspar smiled in reply, before pressing play on the video.

I immediately burst out laughing.

He paused the video and turned to me with confusion, "What you laughing at Sugg?"

"Your hair!" I practically yelled, not being able to contain my laughter.

Caspar jumped back with mock-offense, "Excuse you? Look at the state of yours! You look like a chestnut!"

It was my turn to fake offence now, "Excuse you? You barely have any hair at all!"

Caspar squealed before pushing me off me bed. I fell onto the floor with thud and could hear Caspar cackling above me.

I growled before climbing back onto my bed and speaking to the camera.

"You don't want to live with him," I chuckled, "Seriously, it's a nightmare."

"Hey!" Caspar scolded me, "I'm not that bad."

i gave him an incredulous look, saying 'really?'.

"Anyway, carrying on." Caspar said, pressing play on the video.

We went through multiple of our old videos, the 'Youtuber Innuendo Bingo' i did with him, my very first impressions video with him, and of course, we watched 'The Youtube Boyband'.

Caspar boasted, saying that his voice was so much better than everybody elses, and i couldn't help laughing.

As we finished the video, i stopped recording, but just before i left the room, i gave Caspar a quick kiss on the lips.

Not really knowing why i did it, i walked out the room with a huge smile on my face. Only i didn't know that Caspar's face was showing the exact same expression.

A/N Sorry this chapter is again, rather short, but it was kinda just a filler chapter :)

Plus i was rather distracted as i was watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, my all time favourite film!!!!!!!

I also wanna say...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! Where i live its currently 11:16 but i'm assuming it's already 2017 in some countries, so ye happy new year to you guys!! I hope 2017 is a much better year than 2016 :)

Danni X

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