Putting the Past Behind Us

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     Run. That's all we did for hours. I lost track of time after a while. We had seen quite a few grievers, but not enough to bother us yet. We got lost and had to back track a couple of times, but we soon found our way. After what seemed like forever, we finally were able to find the exit, and in return we all ran towards it happily. That happiness was soon ruined as multiple grievers appeared, causing us all to stop in out tracks and prepare to fight. 

     I stood back to back with Chuck, protecting him the best I could. Newt tried to stay by my side to protect me I suppose, but I ignored it. Thomas and Minho were busy with one griever while the rest of us were busy with our own little battles. Chuck had ran off quickly to type in the code while I distracted the griever that was attempting to get to him. Once Chuck made it to the little platform where he were to enter the code, we all slowly made our way towards the exit where he was. Right when we thought we were in the clear, a griever jumped down and landed on top of Minho and Newt. I gasped and ran to help them, jabbing the damned thing repeatedly with my spear. It backed off and I gripped their hands, jerking them off of the ground and towards the exit. The griever began to charge at us, and just in time Thomas managed to throw his spear and the griever was soon crushed. It was absolutely disgusting, but we were safe. 

      The door of the exit had opened and we all stepped into an empty, seemingly never ending hallway. Walking through the uncomfortably silent halls, we looked around for a place to go. I gripped Newt's hand because my anxiety was kicking in, something he could usually help with. He gripped my hand tight and intertwined our fingers, making me blush. Out of no where, Frypan groaned and mumbled something under his breath as we approached a door that had a glowing red exit sign above it. I smacked my forehead with my free hand, a silly grin etched across my face. I didn't mind it, I was just happy to be out of the glade and  maze. Thomas pushed the door open, looking around before giving us the signal to walk in behind him. We all followed in and I immediately noticed the bodies all around. Shattered glass, bodies and guns were everywhere.

      I walked over to where a ton of blue glowing screens were placed. I didn't understand any of it, but something about them made me angry. Just looking at these screens and the information they had angered me. I slammed my fist into one of the screens, shattering it. I pulled my fist back, seeing the bloody mess I had caused. Sighing, I walked back over to our little group of survivors, some of them were staring at me in shock. Newt came over and grabbed my none injured hand and smiled down at me. I returned a small grin, still not fully comfortable around him at this point. 

     I got snapped out of my thoughts as Thomas pressed a button and a video began to play. It was some lady speaking about the world outside and so on, but I was too distracted to hear much. All I could think about was how something seemed off at the moment. I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen, something bad. The only thing that really caught my attention in the video was the sound of a gun going off. I quickly looked away from the screen as I witnessed the woman shoot herself. I pressed my face into Newt's shoulder so I couldn't see anything else. He gripped my shoulder and held me as close to him as he possibly could. I sighed in content and lightly pecked his arm in return of his actions. 

     The silence of the room was soon ruined as I heard footsteps. They were light, as if whoever it was was trying to not be noticed. I looked around our little group to see that no one was moving. Glancing around the room, I saw a figure slowly creeping towards us. Once the person got close enough for me to identify, I gasped. It was Gally.

    "G-Gally? I thought you were back in the Glade?" I questioned and squinted to get a good look at the boy. He had marks all over him, his eyes black. He was stung. 

     The next detail I noticed was the gun in his hand. The gun that he quickly lifted up and pointed towards Thomas. 

     "Its all your fault." He stated calmly, although tears were cascading down his cheeks. 

     "Gally you don't know what your doing. Just put the gun down and lets talk about this." Thomas tried to reason with him. 

     "No! You ruined everything! You caused it all!" Gally yelled. I could see as his finger slowly began to squeeze the trigger. 

     In a flash, just as the gun went off, Chuck had leaped in front of Thomas. In return Minho threw his spear into Gally, knocking him dead onto the floor. I cried out and kneel down to the ground, beside Chuck's body. I placed his head on my lap, stroking his cheeks as he stared up at the ceiling. Thomas soon was beside me, gripping Chuck's hands as they mumbled things back and forth to each other. I couldn't hear anything that was said, everything was hazy at this point. 

     I felt Chuck's body still and I knew he was gone. I cried louder and Newt gripped my arm, pulling me up so I was standing. He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead multiple times. He mumbled apologies into my ear, but I was in too much shock to understand. I gripped his arm and buried my face into his chest, wanting nothing but to disappear. 

     All of a sudden a dozen or so men came running into the room, gripping us by our arms and dragging us out and towards a helicopter. Thomas refused to leave Chuck's body, and in return they gripped him roughly and dragged him to the helicopter. Once we were all inside they began to lift off and all I could do is watch. I glanced over to Thomas to see him staring and spaced off. I carefully crawled over to him and gave him a big bear hug, and he returned it. I patted down his hair and pulled away from the hug slowly, making my way over to Newt. I sat down beside him and cuddled into his side. Looking over the edge, all I saw was the only past I could remember disappear from my sight. I can't explain why, but i'm glad it is gone.


Hello lovely people of the internet, it is I! I haven't updated this in ages and decided to now. SO here you go, a new chapter! This story should be over soon, probably the next chapter. Anyways, bye~ :)

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