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Sorry if this chapter had a lot of mistakes, I didn't really check for much. Hope you like, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed!


I woke up with a raging headache. I groaned out in pain as I proceeded to sit up. I soon contained my groans of pain and got up completely. I could see a group of gladers surrounding the entrance of the maze. As I observed the area I saw long poles sticking up in the air above all of their heads. Seeing this, I instantly knew a banishment was taking place.

     I stumbled to my feet and jogged to the crowd. The closer I got the more worried I became. It seemed as the whole crowd was disagreeing with each other. No matter what it seemed that the gladers could not get along. What happened to the trust and order that was built for years?

    "What's going on?" I asked as I approached the area.

     "Banish her too!" One glader yelled.

     "We need her!" Another person argued.

     "She's just a girl!"

     "Not needed!"

     "Is needed!"

     The argument went back and forth until I heard a certain voice interject. 

     "Don't you dare banish her!" I heard Newt yell above all voices. 

     Slightly startled, I made my way through the crowd. Once I got to the front, my eyes shot open. Newt was being banished. I knew Chuck said he would be, but I thought we would have more time!

     "Let him go now!" I spoke in a demanding voice to the boy holding Newt down.

     "Nice try princess, but no can do!" he laughed and tightened the rope around Newt's wrists.

     I attempted to step closer, but someone's arm held me back. I looked around me to see all the gladers staring at me and a few gripping my arms. 

     "Begin." One person spoke.

     That's when everything went to hell. The walls started to slowly close and they began to push Newt closer to the entrance. I wiggled in the glader's grasps, trying my best to get away. Everything was happening so fast that I had trouble processing it all.

     "Let me go with!" I screamed out and began to cry.

     I felt a couple of the glader's grips loosen, seemingly shocked. I took this chance to break free. By now Newt was already in the maze and the walls were nearly closed. I took  my chance and sprinted towards the opening. I ducked down and slid under the poles that were blocking Newt's way out. Avoiding everyone's grasp, I made it into the maze. I landed rather rough against the concrete, but I made it. I turned around at the last second to see the doors seal shut for the night. 

     "What the bloody hell were you thinking?!" Was the first thing I heard.

     "You really need to work on your social skills. Besides, you should be thanking me! It's not every day someone risks their life for yours!" I replied.

     "I didn't want you to risk your life! Now we are both gonna die and the bloody gladers are probably gonna kill each other!" He screamed and punched the maze wall.

     I stepped away from him a bit. His reaction honestly did frighten me a bit, but not enough to drive me away. "Newt, where is Thomas and Minho?" 

     "In the glade, where do you think?!" He yelled.

     A look of disgust made it's way to my face. One thing about me is that I could never stand when people acted such ways to me. Raising your voice in an argument honestly did nothing, but sarcasm and anger being used on me never made me very happy. I tended to get quite angry.

     "Why the hell did they not try to stop it?!" I screamed, finally getting mad. 

     "Because the gladers locked them in the pit! They knew Thomas and Minho would try to stop the banishment..." He trailed off at the last part, reality finally hitting him.

     I slumped against one of the walls, Newt doing the same from opposite of me. He heaved a sigh and I groaned inwardly. I couldn't believe everything that has happened in the past week. Everything went from shit to plain hell. The worst part is that if we survive, it will only get worse.

     "It was Gally." Newt spoke.

     "What?" I asked and tilted my head.

     "It was Gally!" He yelled and stood up. "in the forest when you passed out, Gally did it. He came by and knocked you out, and then me. You don't remember anything because he came from behind."

     "You mean this whole time you knew what happened and didn't tell the gladers. Newt, we might not be in here right now if you would have told someone that! Why didn't you tell anyone!" I screamed, completely raged now. 

     "I had other things on my mind." He defended and crossed his arms. 

     "Like what?" I replied, putting my hands on my hips.

     "Tommy and Minho found a way out." He answered.

     That's when I finally lost it. I swiveled around and punched the wall behind me. "You mean to tell me that out of everything that is going on there was a way out AND Gally did this?!" I screamed and punched the wall again. By now my knuckles were bleeding and looked broken. 

     I turned around just in time to see Newt nod his head in shame. I felt bad, but with what has happened this was unforgettable. 

     "I'm sorry." He spoke in shame and shifted his feet awkwardly. 

     I sighed and began to walk farther into the maze. If we were gonna survive a night, we needed to get the hell away from the entrance. I could hear as Newt scrambled to follow, soon walking along side of me. 

     "We're gonna survive this night and get the hell back into that glade." Was all I said before I began to cut vines.

     I cut some and tossed them to the ground, making sure to leave a trail. I knew one thing for sure is that i'm not getting myself lost. 

     I was having a moment as I began to slash many vines off of the wall, and that's when I heard it. The grievers. I looked to my left to see two grievers trudging around the maze. I slid behind the vines, pulling Newt with me, and pressed as close to him as possible. I could hear as it got closer, soon I was able to see the long spider like legs. I covered my mouth, quieting my breathing, and waited for it to pass. 

     "That was close." Newt whispered after it passed. He slipped out of the vines, me following suite, and us soon continuing through the maze. 

     "Newt watch out!" I screamed as a griever came running towards him.

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