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     The next couple of weeks were nothing but a blur for me. I wake up, eat, run, and sleep. That was my daily schedule now, and let me tell you my friend it sucked. Today was the day that there was supposed to be a new greenie, one day I enjoy. That is only because when we get back from the maze there is the bonfire. I still hate running, but I guess I have something to look forward to. My only problem is I won't be able to meet the greenie until after I run for the day.

     I was already out in the maze at the moment. Already said goodbye to everyone and am running as my life depends on it. It was about lunch time, so Minho said we could take a break and eat. I sat down against one of the walls and pulled out an apple. For some reason being a runner makes me less hungry. Most runners tend to have a big appetite after running all day, but by the time I get back to the glade I never seem hungry. This, of course, made me lose some weight. Not a lot, but enough where it was a little noticeable. Some people worried for me, saying that if I didn't eat I could possibly pass out in the maze. I never really listened to what they said, I doubt I ever will. Either way, I haven't yet so what does it matter? Newt tries to get me to eat when we get back from the maze, but I always exclaim that I am tired and not hungry. 

     Being a runner has always separated me from a lot of people I used to be friends with. I never really see Chuck anymore. Last time I spoke to him he complained that he had no friends anymore. I feel so bad for him, and I would be there if I could. The only people I am still friends with is Minho and Newt. Then again, being a runner makes it where I never really see Newt. The only time we are around each other is when we go to sleep, because we still never got my hammock set up. After we started dating, Newt insisted that I stay in the same hammock with him. I didn't complain, it's cute. 

     "What are you thinking about shank?" Minho asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

     "My life and how much it went downhill." I answer with a monotone voice.

     "Maybe it is just me, but you sound depressed as shuck. Come on, let's go." Minho said and offered me his hand.

     "Where are we going?" I asked.

     "To the glade. I can't have the princess of the glade all depressed, now can I? Look, I may be a shank but I still care a little. For now, let's get you back early so you can rest a bit before the bonfire." he says as we walk back. 

     We didn't really get to run much today in the maze, so it didn't take too long to walk back. Minho walked off to the map room and told me to get some sleep, to which I complied. I went to the homestead and fell into the hammock, not caring that it isn't even that comfortable. 

     As I was about to fall asleep Newt walked in. He looked at me with a confused face.

     "What are you doing here?" he asked.

     "Nice seeing you too." I said.

     "I love seeing you, but not when you aren't supposed to be here. Did something happen? I swear if you got hurt! Where is Minho?!" he started freaking out.

     I sighed and gripped his wrist. I pulled him harshly onto the hammock, him squishing me with his body weight.

     "Shut the fuck up and cuddle me." I said, kind of angry.

     "What's up your ass?" he asked.

     "Nothing. Just want to cuddle you damn it. I'm happy at the moment, shoot me." I said sarcastically.

     He laughed and pulled me closer. I sighed and rested my head on his chest as sleep overtook me.

                      ~TIME SKIP~

     "Love wake up." I heard Newt whisper as he shook me.

     I groaned and opened my eyes. It took a moment for my vision to clear, but when it cleared I looked over to see his smiling face.

     "Your cute~" I whispered in a sleepy voice.

     He blushed at my comment. I looked at him weird, then realized what I had just said. Sometimes when I wake up the first thoughts on my mind aren't always the best.

     "U-um... the bonfire is about to start." he said, clearing his throat.

     I nodded and sat up. I reached for my shoes and as I put one on my foot, he untied the other. I raised my eyebrow at him as he put my other shoe on my other foot. He smiled up at me and tied my shoe.

     "I'm not three, I know how to tie my shoe." I grumbled.

     "I know, just trying to be all 'sweet and romantic' for my love." he whispered.

     I blushed and tied my shoe. I stood up and offered him my hand. He rose up and smiled down at me. I kissed his cheek and we walked out of the homestead. It was already getting dark. I looked over to see the fire and the gladers dancing and talking. The beat of the drums so loud I could hear it from where I was standing. It was loud, but nice that we get to stop working and hang out for a bit. We walked to the crowd and sat against a log. Newt wrapped his arm around my shoulder and leaned his head against mine. It was peaceful, until someone interrupted.

     "Hey Newt! How is i- uh... who is this?" the boy motioned towards me.

     "THIS my friend is my girlfriend. (Y/N) meet Thomas, he is the greenie." Newt said, gripping me closer to him.

     I shook  the boys hand and smiled at him. He smiled and blushed. He sat against the log beside Newt and I as an awkward silence took place. I sighed and pulled away from Newt, it being a little weird that we were cuddling in front of the greenie. Newt gave me a questioning look but understood when he realized Thomas was still there. It was quiet for a few minutes, then Minho ran over.

     "Hey Newt! (Y/N)! How are you- who is this shank?" Minho stopped and asked while motioning towards Thomas.

     "That's Thomas-"

     "the greenie." Newt finished.

     Minho nodded and glanced at us three. I think he noticed the awkward aura considering he kept glancing between the three of us. He sighed and pulled Thomas up by his arm.

     "Come on greenie! You're the guest of honor! You gotta get out and meet some gladers! You can ruin these two shanks cheesy moments later, but for now let's go party!" Minho shouted and dragged Thomas.

     I silently thanked Minho for that. It was getting really awkward. Newt wrapped his arm around my shoulders again and sighed.

     "Thomas has been talking about being a runner all bloody day. I guess it's good that he became friends with Minho quite fast. He doesn't know what he's getting into though." Newt chuckled.

     "Yeah, well he can take my place." I chuckled.

     Newt's grin immediately fell on his face. He looked down at me with wide eyes.

     "That's a bloody great idea." 

His Greenie ~TMR~ Newt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now