New High School

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[Y/N] POV;

Before I walked out the door to school I waved my mother goodbye as she was on the phone taking to an important CEO so as usual she ignored me.I literally just moved to Japan and she doesn't even give me a little attention but it's as expected from a mother like her.

I look down at the school uniform and wonder if I could get dressed coded for having my skirt to tight and short. I mean it's not my fault for having a thick figure.I kept observing myself looking at my skin color wondering if I'm to tan and how I'm never going to fit in with my long curly hair.

I stopped completely not caring where I was and shook my head saying to myself.
   Who cares besides I won't be here long, just for another year and I'll be back on the California beaches again.

Before I continued to walk to the new school I felt my real smile show and let out a small laugh .

After a good five minutes passed I wondered where I was. I should be at the station. But instead I'm in a little downtown place somewhere. I groaned wishing I wasn't so ignorant and brought the map to the school. I pulled out of my phone searching the directions peacefully until someone bumped into me making me drop my phone. I knelt down picking up my phone and excused myself for being in there way.

I looked up at the tall, lean, golden hair color man wearing a school uniform which looked similar to mine. I questioned inside of my head on how in the world is he in high school. He's to tall and to mature looking. I wondered if he was from my new high school I was off too. As I opened my mouth to ask he apologized sincerely. I bowed my head accepting, ready to ask but before I could speak he asked first.
"Where you headed too?"
He asked as his eyes scanned me like a dog given a new toy. I was about to answer until I forgotten what the high school's name was. I glanced down at the side walk and looked up responding back.
   "Some high school Im attending for awhile but I totally forgot what it's called?"
I let out an awkward laugh looking away so I won't be able to see his face that's probably judging me so harshly. He laughed and I looked up at his smiling face.
    " The name's Hong Dunno. I'm a third year at (I have no clue what's the high schools name I'm sorry) high school!"
  I felt so relieved that he went to the same school as me.
"I'm [Y/N]. I'm a second year. Hong-senpai do you mind taking me to school?"
I asked so I wouldn't get lost again and he patted my head as if I was a dog. And said yes. He lead the way which was a short cut compared to the train I was originally going to take.
  We finally reached our destination and the high school was good sized. It seemed everyone was already in class. As he walked me through the hall ways to the main office he stopped before opening these white doors that read Main Office.
"[Y/N] was it?"
He asked with a smirk.
I responded back.
  I smiled looking a bit nervous to start a new school even though it wasn't my first time. But being in such a different country was so nerve racking.
"Don't be nervous no one here is gonna kill you. I promise. I'll see you later , Atarashī on'na."
  As if he read my thoughts. He open the doors to the office and left.

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