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Interview: Delphic

Author of "Bewonder."

What can we call you (name)?

You know, lots of times, people just call me Deli or Del, but I'm fine with Jessie/Jessica or Jess. Whatever floats your boat, really.

Where are you from?

I'm from Louisville, Kentucky. Just so you all know, I do not own horses, walk around barefoot, and have no teeth, thank you very much.

What is your favorite hobby (besides writing)?

Would it be lame to say that that's all I do? Probably. Er, I'm going to have to say graphic design. I love making covers and doing random artwork on Photoshop.

Coffee or tea?

Tea. All the way. If you don't like tea, go burn in hot coffee. Kidding. Please don't; I don't want to be responsible for that.

Interesting Fact?

Hm. I absolutely adore camping and climbing. A forest is my home away from home. And I am absolutely in love with travel. I'd go anywhere in the world. Even war zones. (More than one fact… sorry!)

What book(s) are you reading now?

Right now, I'm reading Leviathin by Scott Westerfield. It's an awesome book. It's really cool. You should go read it.

Who are your favorite Wattpad authors?

Probably Sally Slater, Parogar, and xxmajaine. They're all great authors, and if you haven't read their works, you should. You'll like them.

When and why did you start writing?

I started writing in kindergarten, which was nearly 8-9 years ago. I started writing because I had to. Lame, eh? It was an assignment, and, as was expected, my teacher complimented me on my 'great' story. Well, it went to my head, and I've been writing ever since. I quit writing in 6th grade, but picked it up in 7th. I was/am a really lame kid. XD

Is there a specific genre that you like to read/write?

Yea! I absolutely adore fantasy. Especially high fantasy, which, for those of you who don't know, is where the author creates the world and creatures. I'm not huge on full-out war books, though. I prefer when the book focuses on one character who rises up and becomes a weapon guru or whatever. But yea. Fantasy.

What or who inspires you in your work?

School, I suppose. Or music. Sometimes movies. Pretty much everything. School because we learn new things, and when I find them interesting, I'll incorporate them in my stories. Music and movies are pretty obvious. I just draw from everything. I'm like a little leech!

Can you tell us a bit about your current story and why people would want to read it?

My current story, Bewonder, is basically about this chick who accidentally wanders into a new world. This world's not like Earth. It's not like anything River, my main character, has ever seen. This world's divided into Light and Dark Zones instead of having day and night. She's thrown into the middle of this almost civil war.

Why should you read this story? Well, because it has hope. Not the story, but the innards of the story. On the side that opposes River, there is this man - this evil man - called the Necromancer. Basically, this dude is industrializing this beautiful world. I'll show you and immerse you in this hopefully beautiful world, then yank it out from underneath you to show you the destruction that this man has done. Plus, it's a good way to pass time and be entertained!

Is there a message for your readers in your work?

I'd like to think so, yes. In my current story, Bewonder, I'm hoping to show people how messed up their shredding of Earth is. In my older story, The Sedated, I'm hoping to show people the sorts of things government can do to us, and to get people to try to be different. To break out of society, and to always be aware of what's going on. But it's really up to the reader… what they see, that is.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

No matter what people say, just keep writing. I don't have any advice other than that, because I'm still learning to be a better writer myself.

Is there anything else you would like add?

I really like cheese. Cheese is amazing. Alright, have a wonderful day!

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