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Chapter 7 ~ Strangers

"Tsukki, can you help me a bit here?" Hinata asked, both bags carried on her left shoulder and Shinako slung over her right shoulder.

"Don't call me Tsukki," Kei hissed, scowling at her.

"Please? Gotta be nice to your elders~" Hinata chirped, winking at him.

He clicked his tongue and took both the bags before walking ahead, despite only knowing Hinata and Shinako that day.

"Seriously?! You couldn't even help me carry Shinako?" Hinata complained, struggling to lift the beanie clad girl who was moaning about "someone smash my brain please" and "save me".

"Ugh, fine, hand her over," Kei muttered, placing the bags down and taking Shinako from Hinata. Tsukiko won't like this, he thought, imagining her reaction if she saw Kei with a girl. But her jealous face is quite cute.

He swung Shinako's arm over his shoulder and just dragged her along, getting off the train before Hinata could whine.

Hinata groaned and stared at the bags, contemplating whether to just kick it or carry it.

"Aomine-san, is that you?"

Hinata froze and she turned around slowly, hoping she heard wrongly. She didn't see anyone but once she looked up, she saw a dark red haired boy staring down at her. And when she looked down again, she saw a blue haired boy with barely any presence.

Hinata gulped when she recognized the blue haired boy as one of her brother's friends in middle school.

Thank God Tsukki's a piece of crap who doesn't wait for anyone.

"Kuroko!" She exclaimed nervously, giving him a crooked smile. "What're you doing here?"

"We came back from Sendai after a basketball practice match," he replied while the other guy squinted at her, staring intently.

"What're you looking at?" Hinata asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Kagami-kun, this is -- "

"Kuroko! She looks exactly like Aomine!" Taiga shouted, looking horrified that there are two Aomines instead of one. "One's already bad enough!"

Hinata raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "I'm his sister," Hinata declared, "his older sister. So give me some respect or else I'll get it by force."

Tetsuya sweat dropped before turning to Taiga. "Kagami-kun, this is Aomine-kun's older sister. Aomine Hinata." He turned to Hinata who was still scowling at Taiga. "Aomine-san, this is Kagami Taiga. He's also a basketball player."

"No wonder he's tall," Hinata muttered to herself, eyeing Taiga.

I need to go back to Shinako and get out of here. Kuroko might know her. She pursed her lips and forced a smile. "Sorry, Kuroko, I need to go now, I'm with a friend."

Hinata grabbed the bags quickly and ran until she spotted Kei talking to a beautiful black haired girl while Shinako was standing groggily behind him.

"Oi, Tsukki, I need to go," Hinata said quickly, throwing his bag at him while trying to ignore the black haired girl who frowned at Shinako. "I saw a few friends from last time and I need to run."

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow and snorted. "Are drug dealers chasing after you?"

Hinata rolled her eyes and punched Kei's side. "No, but they probably know Shinako so I need to go before they spot her," Hinata explained quickly. Shinako leaned on Hinata's shoulder, her beanie accidentally coming off.

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