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Chapter 4 ~ Otaku

"Hello Midorima-san!" The orange haired boy greeted as they bumped into each other in the hallway.

Shinako smiled at him, dismissing the fact that she didn't even tell him her name yet he knew. "Morning, Hinata-kun."

"Oi! Hurry up, you dumbass!"

Shouyou scowled and a tick mark appeared on his head.

"Stupid bakageyama," Shouyou muttered under his breath, stomping away to the gym again.

Shinako smiled at the two of them and quickened her pace so as not to delay any longer. Hinata was already there and Shinako didn't want to keep her waiting. Shinako spotted Hinata's distinctive blue hair and walked towards her.

"Yo, Shinako."

"Hey. Hinata-san, my Dad let me go home with you today," Shinako said, sitting down at the same spot during lunch.

"Yay!" Hinata chirped, lying down on the grass. "I can show you around the place."

Shinako nodded, taking a bite out of her red bean bread. I think this was my favourite food last time, Shinako thought, chewing slowly. Yesterday, it was the only bread that looked edible and good so she decided to grab it and go. She didn't regret her choice.

"So, what club are you joining?" Hinata asked, craning her neck to look at Shinako.

"What clubs are there?" Shinako asked, crushing the plastic and lying down beside Hinata.

"For girls there are volleyball, tennis team and... actually, that's it," Hinata said disappointedly. "The choices are very limited for the girls. The boys have a lot to choose from though."

"What club are you in, Hinata?" Shinako asked, glancing at Hinata.

"Unfortunately, I'm in the girls' tennis team," Hinata answered with a loud sigh. "It's annoying really. They're all so girly and squeal loudly when we're having a match with each other. They probably want the attention Oujiyama Hideo-us." Hinata laughed before elbowing Shinako's side. "Get it? Hideo-us? Cause his name is Hideo. Then I changed it Hideo-us. Cause he's hideous."

Shinako raised an eyebrow, mentally cringing at Hinata.

Another loud sigh came from Hinata's lips once the laughter died down. "I wish they had a girls' basketball team."

At the sound of the word, Shinako felt a twinge in her chest and her breathing stilled for a moment.

Shinako gulped the pain away and took in a deep breath before she turned to Hinata. "Basketball?" She asked, her hand unconsciously reaching out to fiddle with her hair. "What's that?"

"Um... I'm not really sure how to explain it..." That's the sport your brother used to play and the sport you've always hated since you got his by a basketball in the face when you were younger. "Why don't I show you instead?"

Shinako was about to nod but the sound of the bell ringing cut her off.

"Aww. How about after school?" Hinata suggested, standing up.

Shinako reached out and Hinata grabbed her hand, pulling her up.

"Sure. Why not."

"So, you wanna get some food first?" Hinata asked after hearing Shinako's stomach growl. "We can eat while we're walking around."

Shinako nodded, her cheeks flushed. She didn't think her stomach could growl so loudly until now.

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