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Chapter 6 ~ Train

"Dad, I'm going to sleep over at my friend's house."

"That's good, you made friends already. OK, you can go."

"I won't be back till Monday. I'll just go to school from her house so I'll be gone the whole weekend."

"OK, take care."

"Dad, I'm not going yet. I'm leaving in an hour."

"OK. Remember to pack your extra glasses."


Hinata closed the door behind Shinako and jumped onto Shinako's perfectly made bed. Hinata sat up and pursed her lips, "I actually expected him to be more..." Hinata scowled, trying to think of the right word.

"Hesitant?" Shinako suggested, tying her green hair into a ponytail.

"Yup, that's the word," Hinata said with a snap of her fingers. Hinata stood up from the bed and walked over to Shinako's wardrobe.

"He's too engrossed in his work, I don't think he would have minded even if I told him we were going to Tokyo," Shinako replied with a shrug, taking a big white backpack from under the bed.

"Meh," Hinata said with a shrug as well, while she took all of the dark colored clothes from Shinako's cabinet and stuffed them in Shinako's bag. Hinata took Shinako's undergarments and stuffed them in as well. And while she was doing that, Shinako changed from her PJ's to leggings and black graphic tee with the 'wings of freedom' on it(cough-shingeki-no-kyojin-merchandise-cough).

"How many scarves do you want to bring?" Hinata asked, holding up five scarves.

Instead of answering, Shinako took four and stuffed them in the bag before wrapping the fifth one around her neck.

"Shinako, you do realize we're only going to be there for two days right?" Hinata asked, sweat dropping at the number of clothes Shinako brought.

"Just in case."

"I brought a wig for you," Hinata said, holding up a black wig.

"I am not wearing that."

"Come on, you need a disguise."

"No. I can just cover my face with the scarf."

"How about your hair? You do know that not many people have green hair."

"I can hide it under a beanie," Shinako said, taking two beanies from her cabinet.

Hinata sighed, throwing the wig to Shinako's bed before she shrugged. "At least I tried."

After packing everything, Shinako walked out of the house with Hinata by her side. And her Dad, too engrossed in his work, totally ignored them not even flinching when the door slammed shut. It was quite hilarious since Hinata didn't come through the front door, she came by Shinako's window yet Shinako's Dad didn't even notice her when they exited.

Shinako tightened her grip on her backpack. She couldn't deny the fact that she was excited but she felt reluctant to go back, afraid that something bad might happen. Or she might find out something she wasn't supposed to.

"So, we'll be taking the 5㏂
Tohoku Shinkansen to Tokyo," Hinata said, double checking their reserved seats on her phone.

Shinako's stomach dropped. She hadn't thought of that at all. But after her experience of driving from Tokyo to Torono, it was quite obvious she had a very bad case of motion sickness. During the journey she vomited three times and half the ride, she was unconscious.

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