Abraham Erskine

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    Today is my birthday!! And since one of my birthday presents was +200 readers on my Pacific Rim story, I updated it early! But I couldn't leave this hanging either! So please enjoy this!

DISCLAIMER: I only own Lana Graham and my own twist on this story. Everything else goes to their respectable people!

People swarmed Steve and I had to fight to stay close to his side. He eventually caught his breath and pulled a white shirt over his head. It barely fit overtop of his new ripped body.

    Suddenly, I felt something odd in the room. Something had suddenly changed about the atmosphere. I scanned the room and honed in on the point of oddity. A man in a grey suit with glasses was looking around, not even paying attention to Steve. I touched Steve’s arm briefly before moving through the throng of men to get to the grey suited one.

    Just as he saw my approach, he pulled a lighter our of his pocket and struck it, causing a massive explosion in the booth everyone was just in. We all hit the deck, covering ourselves from broken glass.

    The man raced forward and grabbed the vial of serum left over from the procedure. Just as he pulled out a gun, I jumped on him, reaching for the gun.

    “Lana! No!” Abraham yelled, rushing forward just as my grip loosened on the gun and the man shot two rounds. Both of them embedding in Abraham’s chest.

    “Abraham!” I screamed, losing hold on the gun completely.

    I felt a sharp, burning pain in my shoulder and I dropped to my knees. Another gunshot ricocheted through the room and I touch the pain, pulling away my hand with blood on it. The bastard shot me.

    “Lana!” My gaze locked on Steve as he moved closer to me, not sure if to touch me or not.

    “I’m fine Steve, go get him!” I screamed the last part, moving to Abraham’s side as I touched his cheek, already able to tell that his heart had stopped beating. A single tear rolled down my cheek just before pure molten hot rage poured into my body.

    I let that rage fuel me as I took the steps two at a time and raced from the laboratory. After passing a few dead military policemen and the dead store owner, I burst through the door just as Steve took off after a yellow taxi.

    Gripping my shoulder to help stop the bleeding, I closed my eyes and honed in on the speeding taxi. Immediately, I knew his destination and I slid into a nearby car, finding the keys in it. I’d never driven a vehicle in my life so I touched the steering wheel and information flowed into me.

    Quickly I turned the key in the ignition and threw it into drive, making a speedy u turn and bolting for the docks, where the man was heading. I took the shortest way I could going as fast as I could and by the time I got there, the taxi was already there. It looked like it had wrecked badly and was missing a door.

    As I jumped from the car and raced to follow the gunshots, I found the door with bullet holes in it. Taking a second to let my senses get a hold of my bearings, I ran around a few support beams before seeing the suited man again. He pulled out his trusty lighter again and triggered it. I jumped from my hiding spot to his back.

    He clawed at my arms but I tightened my hold around his neck.

    “Lana?!” I looked over to see a stunned Steve, not even out of breath from running so far and for so long. The man I was latched onto started striking me with his fists.

    “A little help here Steve.” I said, crying out as his hand found my bullet wound. He dug his finger tips into it deeply, making the pain rock my body all over again. My hold loosened enough that the man pulled me around and used me as a human shield, digging his fingers into the wound again.

    “Don’t move or I’ll kill her!” the man shouted, making Steve stop cold. His hands went up defensively. I felt the barrel of his gun press against my temple.

    “Don’t shoot!” Steve yelled, not moving an inch. The man turned the gun towards Steve and pulled the trigger. My heart stopped. I couldn’t lose two people today.

    Thankfully, the man was out of bullets. He threw the gun to his right and gripped my shoulders tightly, pushing me hard towards Steve. Steve moved fast and caught me before I fell on my face.

    I took a deep breath before touching his shoulder, looking up at him. He was crouched over me protectively, holding me at my elbow and waist.

    “Go get him.” I said, using my good arm and pushing him away from me. After a second of hesitation, he took off after the man. I heard the whirl of an engine anda splash in the water as I grabbed my shoulder.

    I saw the blood drip onto the hard concrete underneath me. The drops turned into a stream and black spots appeared in my vision. Just as I thought I was going to pass out, there was a loud thunk not far from me and I turned my head enough to see that the man that had gotten away was laying on the ground, scrambling to his feet.

    When Steve emerged from the water and up the ladder, I couldn’t help my wandering eyes. You could see every one of his toned muscles through his shirt and pants. The man tried to swipe Steve with a knife but he quickly disarmed him and grabbed ahold of the front of his shirt.

    “Who are you?!” Steve asked, shaking the man roughly.

    “The first of many. Cut off one head” I heard a snap noise and then a crunch and I didn’t need my extra senses to tell me he’d just taken cyanide and poisoned himself.

    “Two more shall take it’s place.” I gripped my shoulder tighter as I sat back on my ankles, watching the two men.

    “Hail Hydra!” Were the man’s final words before the foam took over his mouth and he died. Steve quickly dropped the man to the ground, staring in horror.

    “Steve.” I said his name softly as he continued to stare at the body. When his eyes finally met mine, my body seemed to loosen.

    The next thing I knew, the darkness swept me under quickly and the last few moments I remember were falling towards the concrete and Steve rushing on slippery feet to catch me.

~ ~ ~


    I felt the soothing voice caress my conscious and I roused from my sleep. I was laying down on something hard and cold and I first opened my eyes. Scanning around, I couldn’t see anything but brightness all around me.

    Pushing myself from where I was laying, I sat up and looked around more. Still, all their was was brightness and light. Looking down at myself,  I was wearing a knee length pure white summer dress. I grabbed at the material to find it softer than silk.

    “Lana” My head shot up and I looked around again. After a few seconds, I knew the voice. Scrambling to my feet, I continued to look.

    “Abraham?” I choked out, taking a step forward. Since his voice boomed all around me, I wasn’t sure where he could be.

    “Lana” In a blink, the doctor appeared few steps away from me. Wearing a pair of dark brown dress pants, dark blue shirt and his white lab coat free of stains. He have me a warm, comforting smile and pushed up his glasses

    “Where are we?” I asked, looking around. When I looked back at Abraham, the smile was still on his face.

    “Take care of yourself, and Steven.” He said, his smile never faltering. Just by the tone of his voice, I knew this was his goodbye. Tears started to well in my eyes and I took another step forward.

    “I know something good will come of you both.” Another step and the man I cared about the most started to fade away, a little around the edges but he was turning transparent.

    “Stay safe” I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his middle, solidifying him for the moment as his arms wrapped around my shoulders and I rubbed my leaking eyes on his jacket.

    “Abraham, don‘t leave me! I don‘t have anyone else!” I cried, gripping the back of his jacket tighter. One of his hands moved to touch my hair while the other rubbed my shoulders. I felt his lips press a kiss to my head lovingly. Like a father would his daughter.

    “Yes you do, my daughter.” His accent was thick as he held me tighter. I cried harder, never had he called me his daughter but he always treated me like I was. He had taken me from a horrible situation and gave me the chance to do something great.

    I felt him start to slip from my grip until he disappeared completely. I crashed to my knees and wrapped my arms around my middle as I continued to sob hard. A small breeze blew past my face, taking my falling tears with it. After a few minutes of tears and the breeze sweeping away, I was too tired to cry anymore.

    I laid back down on the ground, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. Slowly, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Another breeze came through and tickled my hair and ear. On the breeze was Abraham’s final words.

    “You have Steven.”

Poor Dr. Erskine :'(... Sorry it's so short but I hope you like it! Thanks a bunch everyone for reading, it really makes my day :)

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