Nightmares and Goldie's

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What is this, your wondering? Why it's an early update of course!!! To make up for the fact that I fell off the grid for over a month XD I'm soo happy you guys stayed and are leaving such great comments and voting! I love you guys!! :D :D <3

DISCLAIMER: I only own Lana Graham and my own twist on the Captain America movie, Thanksies! ENJOYY!!!

      I was sitting in the back of a dimly lit taxi that wreaked of cigarette smoke and alcohol. Wringing my hands together, I watched the zooming past traffic with disinterest, feeling my anxiety grow every second I was sitting so still.

    While trying to calm my raging nerves, the taxi came to a silent stop and the driver turned to face me. I looked out the window quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the familiar bike perched just outside the door of the business. A single light was on inside and I knew exactly who was inside.

    “Thanks, keep the change.” I shoved a random bill at the man, quickly letting myself out of the taxi and took off towards the door.

    “Have a good night.” He called after me, sounding cheerful about whatever I just handed him.

    I turned the door knob, finding it unlocked, I let myself in. I felt the thick guilt hit me before I heard the distinct sound of a punching bag being pummeled. Walking down the small hallway, I leaned against the doorframe and watched the man I loved with everything I had, let out all of his anguish in powerful blows.

    I thought back to when I woke up in the middle of the night, needing to go to the bathroom. After I was done, I went to go lay back down and realized that I was in Steve and I’s bed alone. Peeking my head into my old room, he wasn’t in there either.

    The next place I looked was the living room, finding it dark and empty. Then I was the kitchen was void of Steve as well. The fear and anxiety I felt was so extreme that I nearly fell to my knees. I caught myself before hand though, grabbing onto the back of one of the kitchen chairs.

    It was then that I was hit with grief and anger that wasn’t my own. I watched through a vision like state as Steve paced the kitchen, gripping his hair and breathing heavily. After downing a glass of water, he scooped up his bike keys and bolted out the door without a single word.

    When I shook myself from my vision, I raced back to our bedroom, throwing together an outfit and hailed a taxi to take me to the only place I knew for certain he’d be at.

    “I knew I‘d find you here.” I said just loud enough for him to hear.

    Steve stopped suddenly, fists still raised as he turned to me. My heart broke even more at the almost watery look on his face.

    “Your form is alil sloppy.” I pushed myself off the doorframe, taking slow steps towards him. With my hands deep in the front of my pockets, Steve looked at my hastily thrown together self and I felt his feeling of regret for leaving so suddenly.

    “My form is the last thing on my mind, Lana.” He answered quietly, turning his back to me.

    “I know.” I breathed.

    “I‘m sorry, Steve.” I tried to sooth him, touching his arm lightly and when he made no move to get away from me, I rubbed my thumb slowly on his skin.

    “Bucky was a great guy, and an amazing friend.” Steve brought his right arm back, landing a hard blow to the punching bag, scaring me enough to make me take a step back.

    “He wouldn‘t want you beating yourself up like this.” I had to shout over Steve’s repeated blows against the bag.

    After several more seconds of him ignoring me, I waiting till he paused for a split second before wedging myself between his sweaty body and the nearly falling to pieces bag.

    “Steve.” I said his name sternly.

    “Move.” He said icily but I didn’t budge.

    “Not till you look at me.” Steve continued to divert his gaze from mine, keeping it trained down at his feet.

    With an exasperated sigh, I closed the space between us, knotting my fingers in his wet hair and connected our lips. It only took a heartbeat for him to pull me even more into him and nearly crush me against him, returning my kiss with as much vigor as I was giving.

    “I love you.” I said shakily after pulling away, finally getting to look into his eyes.

    “I love you too.” Steve answered, moving a finger to twirl a stray curl.

    “It‘s my fault. If I hadn‘t asked him to come back into duty with me-” He started to pour out his heart but stopped suddenly, his voice breaking a little.

    We were still so close to each other than I felt his heart drum loudly and powerfully against my chest.

    “He even said it was suicide following me into battle.” He continued.

    “Everyone around me dies.” Steve said, tone laced with pain as his grip on my waist loosened and I felt myself start to panic.

    “You should get away while you can.” Just before he let me go completely, I wrapped my arms around his neck, making him look at me once again.

    “No way, Captain Rogers.” I said, shaking my head.
    I removed my arms from his neck and placed my hands on his chest, showing in the back of my left hand.

    “You still gotta marry me, and don‘t you forget that.” Steve’s gaze dropped to the ring finger of my still held out hand and brought his bandaged right hand up, lacing our fingers together.


    “You promised you‘d ask me when you got back.” I stated as he brought my left hand to his lips and kissed every knuckle in my fingers.

    “Whenever your ready, you already know my answer.” Steve stopped at my words, looking at me over my hand still pressed to his lips.

    “I‘m not ever going to leave you, Steve.” I said softly, bring my free hand from his chest and cupped his cheek in my hand.

    “I‘ll always be right here.”

    Steve pulled me close to him once again by my caught hand and reconnected our lips. I poured my support and love for him into it, hoping it would help his grief, even a little bit. It seemed it was at bay for the time being because I felt content and relief come off him in tidal waves.

    After our passionate kiss, Steve grabbed his bike keys and lead me from the boxing area. With one last look back, he shut off the lights and we exited the building. I waited until Steve swung himself on his bike before I hopped on behind him, wrapping my arms around his middle and placing a kiss on his shoulder.

    Steve grabbed my laced fingers on his abdomen and squeezed them before turning his head back to look at me.

    “I‘m sorry I worried you so badly, to make you come all the way out here this late at night to drag me back home but-”

    “I‘m thankful.” He leaned back just far enough to place a kiss on my forehead, smiling warmly down at me, making my heart turn to mush.

    “I‘m not sure what I‘d do without you Lana. And I‘m glad I never have to find out.” With that, he kicked his bike to life and took off back towards our home. 

    Just alil filler chapter :3 Hope you liked it!.. Oh by the way, guess what I'm doing tonight... GOING TO SEE THE WINTER SOLDIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D Got my Captain America shirt and Americana Bobs ready to go! :D Please rate, comment and vote!!! Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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