Yes! Yes! YES!

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I so hope you guys don't hate me! I'm really REALLY sorry about the super late update! It's been so crazy but I'm hoping this will help! It'll definately pull your heart strings in soo many different ways! Enjoy!! :D

DISCLAIMER: I only own Lana Graham and my own twist on the Captain America movie :p

“Why aren’t you crying?” I quirked a grin and turned to fully face the man who had captured my heart.

    “Do you want me to cry, Steve?” I asked, still grinning.

    The weeks had flown by too fast and now we were back at the station, Steve getting ready to head back to Germany once again.

    We spent everyday doing something, either running around New York or staying in playing board games or cards. Some days we didn’t even leave the bed we now shared. Nothing serious happened, just laid in bed all day holding each other and talking about whatever popped into our heads. 

    The loud whistle of the train station screeched in our ears and I winced lightly. I felt the train’s gears grinding and steam pumping through it, even at a stand still.

    “No but-” Steve was cut off by a loud cry from a girl hanging off Bucky, sobbing dramatically. And Bucky wasn’t enjoying it for one second.

    “Everyone else is.” He continued, motioning to his friend’s distressed date.

    “I know you‘ll come back to me.” I said, moving a stray piece of his hair back in place and leaving said fingers on his cheek.

    “If you don‘t, I‘ll come hunt you down till you do, is that understood?” I ordered, making Steve smile warmly at me.

    “Yes, maim.” He mumbled, nuzzling my neck as he pulled me flush against him.

    I gripped the back of his dress uniform tightly as I hugged him back. I felt my heart start to ache but I pushed it down, for now. I’d wait till I was back in the silence of our apartment before I started crying like a baby.

    The train conductor called for the final boarders and Steve slowly released me, placing a few kisses on my forehead before his stunning blue eyes met my green ones.

    “Stay safe, Captain Rogers.” I said, patting down the front of his uniform to take out the wrinkles. I needed something to distract me from the tears that wanted to fall.

    Steve stopped my nervous habit by grabbing my hands in his and pushed my palms open to rest on his chest as I looked back up at him.

    “If I come back from this-” I shook my head, stopping him suddenly.

    “When, Steve, not if.” I corrected sternly.

    “Lana-” I cut him off again, gripping the fabric under my fingers.

    “If you say if, I will cry.” The words came out shakily and Steve’s worried face softened.

    I was absentmindedly chewing on the corner of my lip when I saw him slowly dip low. I met his lips halfway, eagerly returning his loving kiss. It was slow moving and made all the right parts of me melt, which was every part. I pulled from the kiss first, only because I was having trouble breathing.

    “When I come back, I‘m going to ask you to marry me, Lana.”

    My heart stopped beating and ripped itself from my chest, soaring to the sky with happiness. Steve took my ecstatic and stunned face with a wide grin, kissing my lips swiftly and snatching up his suitcase just as the train started pulling away.

    He quickly lugged the case in the open doorway and leaned out of it to keep watching me. I smiled so big my face hurt but I didn’t care, I was so happy in that moment that nothing could damper it.

    “Think about your answer!” Steve shouted over the train whistle. I cupped my hands over my lips to call back.

    “You know my answer!” I hollered before squealing like a little girl, unable to help myself.

    “Yes! Yes! YES!” I yelled at the top of my lungs as I spun in happy circles and jumped up and down, hearing Steve laugh at my pure joy.

    “I love you!” I waved at the retreating form of my soon-to-be fiance and shouted after him.

    “I love you too!” He waved back, blowing me one final kiss before getting pulled inside, most likely by the train conductor.

    I stood there, that silly grin on my face and watched the train leave until it was a speck in the distance. I finally turned on my heels, noticing the entire platform vacant of people, and started for the exit.

    I felt a shift in the air close behind me and by the time I moved to get out of the way, it was too late. Whoever it was wrapped both their arms around me tightly and hoisted me off my feet. I screamed and kicked, trying to get anyone’s attention but there was no one around.

    Quickly, a different hand from my capture clapped over my mouth and I was dragged to a dark part of the platform where an eerily familiar form was standing. I struggled harder against the man, not finding any weakness quick enough before I was deposited at Schmidt’s feet roughly.

    My palms stung from the force of the fall and I refused to look up at the man looming over me.

    “I‘ve finally found the Captain‘s weakness.” The German accent made acid burn in my throat and I turned my head away from him as he knelt to my crouched form.

    A gloved hand reached to grab my chin, too tightly for me to free myself. I had no choice but to look at the ugly red skinned beast before me as he appraised me slowly before meeting my eyes.

    “It‘s you, isn‘t it?”

~ ~ ~
Steve’s POV

    “You did what?!” I finished my knot and tightened it extra tight before turning to Bucky and the rest of the guys with me.

    “I told her I‘d ask her to marry me when I got home.” There was a holler from one of the guys and they burst out laughing, clapping me on the back.

    “That‘s great, man!” I faced Bucky, letting my own excitement surface a little.

    I was nervous to tell her right before I left but I had to know what her answer was. Her reaction was perfect and it made me fall in love with her all over again. Just remembering her bouncing and squealing form made my heart warm even though we were standing calf deep in frozen snow.

    “Hey Steve?” I had started back to my work when I heard Bucky walk up behind me, glancing down the extremely deep ravine just inches from the tip of his boots.
    “Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone on Coney Island?” I stood up to stand beside him, looking down at our destination.

    “Yea, and I threw up?” I asked, not even blinking at my own response.

    “This isn‘t payback, is it?” Bucky sounded almost worried.

    “Now why would I do that?” I answered coyly, grinning back at him.

    “We were right, Dr. Zola’s on the train. Hydra dispatcher just gave them permission to open the throttle. Wherever he‘s going they must need him bad.” Turning back to the man manning the radio, we listened to his feedback.

    I slipped on my helmet, getting ready to be the first one down the zip line that was leading down to the train tracks a few hundred feet below us. I had the sudden feeling that Lana would love to be here doing this. It brought a small smile to my lips.

    “Wait, there‘s something else.” Bucky was getting ready as well and we both stopped.

    “They‘ve got a hostage onboard who‘s causing problems with electrical. Apparently she‘s ripping cables out of wall with her mind.” At first, my heart did a painful twinge and my muscles stilled as I cleared my throat, turning back to him.

    “Come again?” I asked.
    “She‘s got powers of some kind. She‘s ripping through steel using her mind.”

    My heart completely sank at the news, I knew exactly who they had and it made me angry and scared at the same time. That woman was very good at making me feel extremely odd feelings.
    “Lana.” I muttered, getting in front of Bucky to start my hook up.

    “Lana‘s here?” My concerned friend asked, still processing the information.

    “She‘s the only person I know who‘s on Schmidt‘s radar that can do that.” I cleared up, my voice tight with emotion.

    “They must have grabbed her-” Bucky was interrupted once again by the crackle of the radio chatter and the exclaimed shout of our radio man.

    “They’ve just been given permission to use force on Lana!”

    My blood ran cold and anger flamed over my fear as I latched completely onto the rope, getting ready to propel myself down wither the train was going to be there or not. I’d leap in front of the damn thing if it’s what I had to do to get Lana back safely.

    “Captain, wait!” I ignored the shout and took off down the zipline, feeling the tug of weight almost immediately right behind me. I knew right away it had to be Bucky, he always had my back.

~ ~ ~
Lana’s POV

    “Schmidt will not be pleased with her current state.”

    I spit out some of the excess blood in my mouth as the man’s leather shoes. He jumped back, shouting something in German and trying to kick off the spit up blood.

    My ribs throbbed, my right cheek swelled and the blood was pouring from my nose but I couldn’t make myself feel defeated because more than half the men on the train were knocked out or worse, thanks to me. My hands were even tied behind my back when I did it.

    “He want‘s her, we got her.” The also hurt solider standing not far from me commented, looking back down at me with what I assumed was a nasty look but I couldn’t tell through his helmet so I gave him a fake smile.

    After a few more words, I was left alone with the man I knew as Doctor Zola. They must have deemed me a docile enough to be left alone, which I found a little shocking. I did, however, cause quite a bit of electrical issues before I got a right hook to the face.

    “Aren‘t you afraid of him?” I looked up at the doctor from my Indian style sitting position on the hard metal floor.

    “Should I be?” I asked.

    “He‘s a very powerful man, even without his enhancements and the Cube.” My interest peaked at when he mentioned the Cube.

    “What is that cube?” I asked, hoping for an answer.

    “You think I‘ll tell my secrets to the enemy? Your mad.” I snorted, expecting that response. Dr. Zola curled his nose at my unladylike noise but I ignored it. At lease Steve didn’t mind when I did it.

    “I‘ve felt it. It‘s power draws me in like a fish hooked on a line. Every time I touch something it has, I feel it‘s pulsing, like a heartbeat.” I told him and he nodded, seeming to understand a little what I was talking about.

    “It‘s not from our world. It came from somewhere else, didn‘t it?” I pried, seeing the man divert away from me.

    “Doctor.” I said quietly, waiting until the man looked at me again. I felt his reservation about having me here, holding someone hostage wasn’t his thing.

    “Please let me go.” I begged quietly.

    “I‘m sorry, I cannot.” He said just as quietly.

    Suddenly the doctor shot from my seat and raced over to one of the mics in front of the monitors behind me. At the same time, I heard the ting of metal hitting metal.

    “Stop him!” The doctor shouted, watching the monitors.

    “What‘s going on?” I asked, feeling my heart start to race as the tinging got more frequent and I realized it was gun shots I was hearing.

    The doctor looked from me to the door and went to make sure it was locked before coming back to the monitor. I watched his expressions as he watched the fighting going on inside the train. I felt several explosions rock the whole train and then another larger one that left everything silent.

    “What the hell is going on?!” I asked, getting scared about who could be out there.

    What if it was Bucky? Or Steve? My body chilled at the thought of something happening to Steve to save me but I brushed it off for now. I tried rising to my feet but was stopped by the bud of a rifle being slammed into my shoulder. It sent me straight to my knees, cringing in pain.

    There was a crash of glass and someone came from the top of the roof, pointing a gun at the two German’s. I quickly realized he was one of the men from Steve’s team and let out the breath I was hold, for the moment. Just as I was about to ask him where Steve was at, the door flew open and in stalked the said soldier.

    “Lay another hand on her and your dead.” I knew that bone chilling tone. The last time Steve had used it, I had a knife to my neck. I felt remorse and guilt roll off him in waves and I felt tears prick my eyes.

    Steve didn’t meet my eyes as he lowered himself to my level, cutting the ropes that had rubbed the skin of my wrist raw. I ignored it for the time being and grabbed Steve’s hands.

    “Bucky?” I asked, shaken at his quiet demeanor.

    When all I got was a curt nod, I immediately threw my arms around his shoulders, finally letting the many tears I wanted to cry out. I felt the man in my arms start to shake and didn’t need special intuition to know what it meant.

    Steve Rogers, Captain America, and hope of the United States, let me hold him as he sobbed for his lost friend.

Hope you liked it! :) Remember to rate, vote and comment pleasee!! Thanksies!!! :D

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