Camp Lehigh

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I've been working on this since I watched Captain America the first time. And I've been contemplating putting it up at all. But since I put up my Pacific Rim story (which you should also read :D.) I though, hell, why not? XD Updates will be every Thursday, just like my Raleigh story :3

So here it is, Superheros Loving Superheros written by yours truely!

DISCLAIMER!! I only own Lana Graham and my own twist on this awesome movie! Everything else belongs to their respectiable people :).

Thanks so much and enjoy!!.. PS. MY BIRTHDAY'S IN A WEEK!! XD

“Welcome to Camp Lehigh, maim.” I looked around the densely populated area. Trees lined the army camp and people were scattered about. Some were running, being yelled at in the ear, others were walking casually and talking. They all wore the same dirty brown uniforms, peak hats tilted to the side.

    “Why thank you, soldier.” I said, flashing a pearly white smile at the man as he held open the car door and helped me from the car.

    My boots hit solid ground and I stretched my arms over my head. I took in a deep breath of forest air and exhaled it happily. I turned around when I heard the sound of another vehicle stopping. It was a large cargo truck, with a tarp covered back. I smiled, knowing what was inside.

    “Good morning, you must be our specialist.” I turned on my heels, facing an aged faced man. He wore a leather jacket over his dress uniform was and it cleaner than most others. His special pins and hat also told me he’s a well decorated soldier.

    “I suppose so.” I answered, shaking the man’s hand, his calloused skin feeling like sand paper against my soft skin.

    “I’m-” I shot him a look, smiling.

    “I know who you are, Colonel Phillips.” He straightened his back and gave me a once over. Not sure how I knew him before I met him, he simply nodded.

    “I see, well then, shall I show you our canidates?” When the Colonel started walking away, I stayed where I was. Phillips realized that I wasn’t following him so he stopped to face me.

    “Will my cargo be treated well, Colonel?” I asked, glancing back at the cargo truck. Already, soldiers were starting to unload it.

    “Of course, maim, please, this way.” I nodded, giving the truck one last look before closing the space between the Colonel and I. We walked side by side until we got to a jeep, he hopped in the front seat and I climbed over into the back, letting my feet hang off the side.

    As the soldier started up the jeep, a soft breeze blew through the clearing, wiping at my long chocolate colored hair. My button down white shirt matched the color of the clouds overhead. It was tucked in loosely into a pair of brown leg shaping pants. And over those I had on my favorite pair of dark brown calf height boots. Skirts were never my style, much to my family and societies horror.

    “So, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you here?” my green eyes drifted up to look at the clouds but shot back to reality at the sound of Phillips voice.

    “Well you get right to the point, don’t you?” I smiled at the Colonel but the stone hard face never faltered, not even so much as a grin.

    “I’m here to help Dr. Erskine pick a candidate. Being his first successful guinea pig gives me special privileges.” I answered plainly, swinging my legs as they still hung over the side of the moving vehicle. I leaned my head back after a few seconds of silence and closed my eyes.

    “And your cargo, was that necessary to bring as well?” My head snapped back up, shooting a hard stare at the back of the Colonel’s head.

    “Colonel Phillips, if you have a problem with that.” The jeep stopped suddenly and I was the first to jump out, throwing my body over the edge and landing on my feet. I turned to face the old man, placing my hands on my hips.

    “That’s just to bad.” I said, glaring hard at the man. He just stared back before finally looking away. I followed after him as he walked towards a line of men, all of their eyes on the person in front of them.

    “Agent Carter.” that person was a beautiful dark haired woman with bright red lips. She turned at the sound of the Colonel’s voice, wearing army brown’s and stood at salute.

    “Colonel Phillips.” Her accent was British and from the looks of it, she’d just got done showing one of the candidates who’s boss. He sat on the ground, stunned and holding his slightly bleeding nose.

    “I can see that your breaking in candidates, that’s good.” the Colonel said, walking around the woman to face the line of men, specifically the one who was still on his bum.

    “Get your ass up out of that dirt, stand in that line at attention until someone comes and tells you what to do.” The soldier scrambled to his feel and straightened quickly.

    “Yes sir.” The man answered, showing his bloody nose off to us.

    The Colonel launched into a pep speech about wars being fought with weapons but won by men. I looked over each of the men. The one with the bloodied nose was an immediate out on my list. He obviously did something to piss off Agent Carter.

    It was towards the end of the line on the left that my eye caught the smallest guy in the line, most definitely the runt of the group. I rose an eyebrow and looked over at Erskine, who was looking at me.

    I shifted my eyes back to the little man and then looked at him. When the doctor nodded, I knew that was the one he’d told me about. Steve Rogers, and the most likely candidate in his mind.

    The top of his head didn’t even reach the top of most of the men’s shoulders. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave the small man a good look over.

    For being small, he was surprisingly cute with a strong featured face. His eyes looked blue but I couldn’t tell from the angle I was at, not to mention he was staring straight ahead. So I waited till my unrelenting gaze made him squirm. It wasn’t long before he broke down and stole a glance at me. That’s when I saw it.

    The resilience in his bright blue gaze was almost suffocating. He was going to make it even if it killed him. He wanted to serve his country, badly. Just by the look in his eyes, he was at the top of my pick list. There were others to choose from, but Rogers had the heart Erskine was looking for.

    When Rogers realized he’d been staring at me, he quickly looked straight ahead again, unable to control the bright red blush that marred his face. I smiled lightly at the bashful man. This was going to be interesting.

Well, what did you think?! I made it short so you all could try it out! :D Comment, vote and rate please please pleaseee!!! :D

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