The Final Chapter

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It's taken me a LOOONG time to get to this point in this story. I wasn't ready for this ending, and I'm sure none of you are either! But it has to end for another chapter to begin. It's been such a great ride and I hope you all know that you can message me WHENEVER to talk about anything! Your all apart of my Wattpad family now! :D LOVE YOU GUYS AND ENNJOOOYYY!!!!

DISCLAIMER: I only own Lana Graham and my own twist on the Captain America movie :)

Steve lead the way through the hallways and at some point ended up getting us lost. After I realized that he had no idea where we were going in the large ship, I decided to take over navigation. When we came across some of Schmidt’s men, we dispatched what we could before getting to the bridge, where I felt Schmidt’s vile energy coming from.

Quietly, I opened the door to where you could control everything on the plane from. Looking around, as well as feeling around, I walked into the room with Steve right behind me. His shield was covering my upper right half as he half protected me, half looked around for Schmidt. It was like he was all over the room, it was impossible to tell where he was in the large room, only that I knew he was in there somewhere.

“Steve he‘s not-” I started to whisper as we neared the controls but I felt a shifting behind us.

At the same time, we both turned around and Steve got his shield up in time to deflect a glowing blue bullet. It bounced off the shield and hit a piece of machinery to our left

“You don‘t give up, do you?” I’d recognize that voice anywhere. We both looked over the shield at the same time and there stood Schmidt.  

“Nope.” Steve answered, pushing me behind one of the supports as he charged Schmidt, taking all the attention so I could move to the controls.

Stepping onto the platform, I placed my hands on the controls. I checked over my shoulder to make sure Steve had the crazed man occupied as I turned my whole focus onto getting the plane out of the sky.

Immediately, the pulsing blue power throbbed in my vision and I pushed hard against it, trying to see past it to get a better view of everything else. The power was strong, stronger than me but I persisted and I felt the plane start to sway from all the power that was fueling the plane was combating me.

“Stay away from that!” Keeping my hands on the machine, I turned my head to face the voice.

Schmidt had knocked Steve far enough away from him that his rifle was pointed at me and it buzzed with power as he pulled the trigger.

“No!” Steve shouted, diving on Schmidt and the blue laser shot through the glass just above where my head was at.

I fell to my knees, breaking the connection with the plane and everything started to right itself again. I gripped my head, feeling something drip from my nose. Reaching a shaky hand up to my nose, it came back with blood on it. Sniffing hard, I held my jacket sleeve up to it.

“Lana, Move!” I heard Steve yell my way and I dove away from the controls just as Schmidt was thrown into them, throwing sparks everywhere.

The chair that the pilot would sit in was stuck against the panel, making the plane start to nose dive towards the ground. At the sudden ascension, we were all thrown off our feet and into the air. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and turned to look at Steve.

“Hold onto me!” He yelled over the whooshing of air through the air.

Steve held me tightly and took all the blows as we were thrown around in the air. Just when we were able to grab onto to something to stop us from flying around, I caught sight of Schmidt messing with the controls. Before I could say anything to Steve, the plane righted itself again, sending us crashing to the floor.

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