9. "we kiss, we make up"

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My alarm was blasting through my room. I promptly shut it off and laid there reflecting over the fact that Blake still wanted nothing to do with me.

I almost hated sleeping in my own bed now. I had been sleeping over at Blake's so often.

It was almost 9 am, I needed to be to work by 10. I quickly got ready, and drove to a coffee house near the clippers facility.


I turned around.

"Oh, good morning Eric." I said to him.

He was handed his coffee by some lady and walked over to me.

"You know what today is right?" He asked me.


"I actually don't," I forcibly fake laughed. I couldn't get my mind off of Blake.

"It's your turn, you're taking over. This is Madelyn's last day." He told me.

Oh crap. I totally forgot. I had my solo interview with DeAndre today. Madelyn was having to leave to get ready to have her child..

"Oh! Yeah, I'm excited!" I said.

"Good. I'll see you over there." He smiled and walked out of the place.

As soon as I got my coffee I thought to myself: I can't let Blake distract me, today's a big day.


"Good Morning." I smiled at the front entrance receptionist as I walked in the facility.

I went over questions with Madelyn, for the last time in a long time.

"You Ready?" Madelyn smiled.

"Let's do it!" I said.

I grabbed the LACtv mic and we headed to the practice gyms.

DeAndre was doing post-moves with Blake. Course. Just my luck.

"Hey, DJ- will you answer some questions for me?" I said.

Blake turned and looked at me as DJ said yes and walked over. He locked his eyes on me for about 20 seconds and then turned back around.

As much i wanted to go over and break down right in front of him- I couldn't. I shouldn't. I won't.

DeAndre was all smiles though, he was great to interview. I felt like it was a breeze and he made it funny so it was easier.

I took a selfie with DJ and sent it to Joy. 'just interviewed your man 😂'

As I was walking out of the gym, for a split second I looked at Blake and he met my eyes for half a second and then continued practicing. Ugh, I just wanted to talk to him...

"Good Job. You're gonna do great." Madelyn told me as we were editing the video.

"You really think so?" I asked.

"Of course. I'm GLAD you're taking over." She laughed.

"Well, You'll do great having a baby," I told her and laughed.

She laughed- "I hope so. Hopefully it doesn't hurt THAT bad."

We both joked and talked awhile.


The guys were leaving for a 7 game road trip, (the Grammy road trip) tomorrow so I HAD to talk to Blake before they left. There's no way I could go on feeling like this for that long.

I decided to drive over to his house, it was the only way.

I knocked on the door.

No answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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